[PYTHON] Read the linked list in csv format with graph-tool

Thing you want to do

Consider reading a file in the following linked list (source, dest, weight) format with graph-tool.




To read this file with grpah-tool, parse it using the csv module as follows.


import csv
import graph_tool.all as gt

nodes = set()
rows = []

with open('link_list.csv') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    rows = [row for row in reader]

for row in rows:

nodes = list(nodes)
g = gt.Graph()
g.vp['name'] = g.new_vp('string')

for n in nodes:
    v = g.add_vertex()
    g.vp['name'][v] = n

# set edges
g.ep['weight'] = g.new_ep('double')

for row in rows:
    s = nodes.index(row[0])
    t = nodes.index(row[1])
    w = float(row[2])
    vs = g.vertex(s)     # => get vertex object from the index
    vt = g.vertex(t)
    e = g.add_edge(vs, vt)
    g.ep['weight'][e] = w

What we are doing is as follows

--First, read all the contents of the csv file and create a list of nodes nodes --I want to extract only unique things, so I store them in set and then convert them to list. --The node name creates a string vertex_property name in graph and storesg.vp ['name'] = g.new_vp ('string') --g.vp holds the attribute (vertex_property) for the node --Edge weights are stored by creating a floating point type edge_property weight

This is what the graph looks like.


By the way, the result of visualizing this graph is as follows.


pos = gt.arf_layout(g)
gt.graph_draw(g, pos=pos, vertex_text=g.vp.name, vertex_font_size=10)

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