[LINUX] ubuntu 20.04 + geth environment ether remittance

Summarize the ether remittance procedure in ubuntu 20.04 + Geth1.9.25 (Go-Ethereum) environment.

Confirmation of ownership ether of EOA account

Use the > eth.getBalance (eth.accounts [NUmber]) command to check the ether holdings of the EOA account of the remittance source / destination.

> eth.accounts
["0x911e18204582a6de08dd2b1f7540b9167ce93b67", "0x634c921bfbad7756c7988ea74e4bdf5e5387620d"]
> eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[0])
> eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[1])

Account unlock

It is necessary to unlock the account when sending ether. Unlock with the personal.unlockAccount (EOA account address) command. The unlock time times out with a default of 300 seconds and is locked.

> personal.unlockAccount(eth.accounts[0])
Unlock account 0x911e18204582a6de08dd2b1f7540b9167ce93b67

The command can extend the options as follows. If you specify 0 for the unlock time, it will not be locked. personal.unlockAccount (EOA account address," password "," unlock time (seconds) ")

Ether remittance

Mining processing must be executed at the time of remittance. Since it is a private network and there are no miners other than itself, it carries out mining.

> eth.hashrate
> eth.mining
> miner.start()
> eth.mining
> eth.hashrate

Send money from the unlocked account [0] to account [1]. Since the remittance unit is wei's unit designation, use the unit conversion function web.toWei. The transaction ID is returned as the execution result.

> eth.sendTransaction({from: eth.accounts[0], to: eth.accounts[1], value: web3.toWei(5, "ether")})

The contents of the transaction can be confirmed with the eth.getTransaction ('transaction address') command.

> eth.getTransaction('0xf03e4882a766d3aa4d3b188bbe191721be63ed2233792e7fcb1d5b7e1dd6b2eb')
  blockHash: null,
  blockNumber: null,
  from: "0x911e18204582a6de08dd2b1f7540b9167ce93b67",
  gas: 21000,
  gasPrice: 1000000000,
  hash: "0xf03e4882a766d3aa4d3b188bbe191721be63ed2233792e7fcb1d5b7e1dd6b2eb",
  input: "0x",
  nonce: 0,
  r: "0xda879400e1472aaed815371ab259874a0303f17d732e83959345f4322b5c8195",
  s: "0xc89b9f49f14fa35778b84164eb2a39e34f004ede08044ddc257d332ba7f8fca",
  to: "0x634c921bfbad7756c7988ea74e4bdf5e5387620d",
  transactionIndex: null,
  v: "0x42",
  value: 5000000000000000000

It seems that it will take a while, so I would like to update it after confirming the remittance.

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