!Mac OS X-10.15.7!ruby-2.7.1p83
The textbook for beginners of ruby is too halfway, so I decided to write it myself. This is because it is frustrating that I have created the scheme ruby = TDD + English, but I can't convey it to the students well.
To study programming, say, "Try and error as you would when solving a math problem." But I wonder if they are really taught how to do that trial and error. Instead of copying the answer in its entirety, it is necessary to disassemble the answer and create it in order to understand the operation. I think that the procedure for practicing this was named TDD (Test Driven Development) in Europe and the United States.
In Japan, it is called sutra copying, but it is even more difficult to understand. Therefore, I will introduce how to write beautiful code that works according to the chart formula that has been familiar in Japan for a long time.
When I said the chart formula, I was surprised to find a researcher who thought, "I will solve many problems in a staggered manner." The essence of the chart expression is not there,
is. In line with this basic
I will introduce something. The other essence of the chart formula, "appearance", is html, so please give up.
You should be able to solve the following problems.
-roman numerals; Roman numerals -google recruit; Google's famous recruitment problem
Before learning the language specifications of Ruby, familiarize yourself with the idea of linux, which Ruby focuses on. cui, option, pipe, filter and so on. There are some other useful tools for Ruby development (sometimes called ecosystem ... there are discussions), so I will introduce them.
And so on.
(This is a reflection memo of 2019, improved in 2020 and uses qiita) The problem is how to judge whether the student solved the similar problem independently.
--Leave the red state of tdd --Leave the green state --Exposing refactoring
I hope that will be one solution. Exactly the log state of git. .. .. Hmmm. What is left there. .. ..
--Try to create the document yourself. ――It is a method to display the code you wrote. ――In the same way as finishing a thesis, you will learn the code through the work of writing a document. --Unlike platex, html out can be done in any environment, so use it. => Change to qiita (20f)
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