From a book that programmers can learn (Python): Find the mode

Continuation of Last time This time, the code to find the mode of the array The answer code in C ++ has already been posted, but I rewrote it in python.


int mostFrequent;
int highestFrequency = 0;
int currentFrequency = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++){
    if (i == ARRAY_SIZE - 1 || surveyData[i] != surveyData[i + 1]){
        if (currentFrequency > highestFrequency){
            highestFrequency = currentFrequency;
            mostFrequent = surveyData[i];
        currentFrequency = 0;

My python code

#!/usr/bin/env python

import math

elem = [4,7,3,8,9,7,3,9,9,3,3,10]

###I am fixing it
#count = {Elem.count(v):v for v in set(Elem)}
#high = max(count)
#most = count[high]
most = 0
high = 0
current = 0
#for i,v in enumerate(Elem):
for i in range(len(elem)):
    current += 1
    if i == len(elem) - 1 or elem[i] != elem[i+1]:
        if current > high:
            high = current
            most = elem[i]
        current = 0
print('Array=',elem, '\n' , 'Mode:',most,'|','Number of times:',high)

・ ・ ・(Terminal execution)
>>> import test37
Array= [3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10] 
Mode: 3 |Number of times: 4

Taking advantage of the previous reflection, I thought about using "list comprehension" and "generator comprehension", but I had to count at the current + = 1 part, so I repeated the above if statement. Did. Even though there is an answer code, it takes time just to change it to python, so I feel that I have to get used to it.

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