Kernel density estimation in Python

What is Kernel Density Optimization (KDE)?

[Wikipedia]( % A6% E6% 8E% A8% E5% AE% 9A) Please refer to it. In some situations (large number of data, following a smooth distribution function, etc.), a histogram can help you get an overview of your data.

Make appropriate data

First, load the required packages and create about 5 bimodal datasets with normal distributions superposed.

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

N = 5

means = np.random.randn(N,2) * 10 + np.array([100, 200])
stdev = np.random.randn(N,2) * 10 + 30
count = np.int64(np.int64(np.random.randn(N,2) * 10000 + 50000))

a = [
        np.random.randn(count[i,j]) * stdev[i,j] + means[i,j]
        for j in range(2)])
    for i in range(N)]

Estimate the distribution from the data and draw a graph.

It is troublesome if there are ridiculous outliers, so the data will be cut at the quantiles from 0.1% to 99.9%. (As an aside, in numpy, percentile (array, x) is specified in the range of 0..100, but in pandas,Series.quantile (x)is specified in 0.1. It is confusing.)

Then pass the data to scipy.stats.gaussian_kde () and it will return the density function estimated by the Gaussian kernel, so you can plot it quickly by combining it with numpy.linspace.

limmin = min(np.percentile(x, 0.1) for x in a)
limmax = max(np.percentile(x, 99.9) for x in a)
ls = np.linspace(limmin, limmax, 100)

for n in range(N):
    x = a[n]
    x = x[(x > limmin)&(x < limmax)]
    kde = gaussian_kde(x)
    plt.plot(ls, kde(ls), label='data %d' % n)

plt.xlim([limmin, limmax])
plt.title('data distributions')


If you use the resample () method of the kde object, you can generate data for simulation of a distribution close to the measured data. For more information, see Official Documents.

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