3. Natural language processing with Python 3-1. Important word extraction tool TF-IDF analysis [original definition]

⑴ The idea of TF-IDF

⑵ Definition of TF-IDF value

** Occurrence frequency $ tf $ multiplied by coefficient $ idf $, which is an indicator of rarity **

** The frequency of occurrence $ tf $ and the coefficient $ idf $ are defined as follows **

(3) Mechanism of calculation based on the original definition

#Import Numerical Library
from math import log
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

➀ Prepare word data list

docs = [
        ["Word 1", "Word 3", "Word 1", "Word 3", "Word 1"],
        ["Word 1", "Word 1"],
        ["Word 1", "Word 1", "Word 1"],
        ["Word 1", "Word 1", "Word 1", "Word 1"],
        ["Word 1", "Word 1", "Word 2", "Word 2", "Word 1"],
        ["Word 1", "Word 3", "Word 1", "Word 1"]

N = len(docs)

words = list(set(w for doc in docs for w in doc))

print("Number of documents:", N)
print("Target words:", words)


➁ Define a function for calculation

#Definition of function tf
def tf(t, d):
    return d.count(t)/len(d)
#Definition of function idf
def idf(t):
    df = 0
    for doc in docs:
        df += t in doc
    return np.log10(N/df)
#Definition of function tfidf
def tfidf(t, d):
    return tf(t,d) * idf(t)

➂ Observe the calculation result of TF

#Calculate tf
result = []
for i in range(N):
    temp = []
    d = docs[i]
    for j in range(len(words)):
        t = words[j]     
pd.DataFrame(result, columns=words)


➃ Observe the calculation result of IDF

#Calculate idf
result = []
for j in range(len(words)):
    t = words[j]

pd.DataFrame(result, index=words, columns=["IDF"])


➄ TF-IDF calculation

#Calculate tfidf
result = []
for i in range(N):
    temp = []
    d = docs[i]
    for j in range(len(words)):
        t = words[j]

pd.DataFrame(result, columns=words)


⑷ Calculation by scikit-learn

# scikit-learn TF-Import IDF library
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
#One-dimensional list
docs = [
        "Word 1 Word 3 Word 1 Word 3 Word 1",
        "Word 1 word 1",
        "Word 1 Word 1 Word 1",
        "Word 1 Word 1 Word 1 Word 1",
        "Word 1 Word 1 Word 2 Word 2 Word 1",
        "Word 1 Word 3 Word 1 Word 1"

#Generate model
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(smooth_idf=False)
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(docs)

#Represented in a data frame
values = X.toarray()
feature_names = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
             columns = feature_names)


⑸ Reproduce the result of scikit-learn

➀ Change IDF formula

#Definition of function idf
def idf(t):
    df = 0
    for doc in docs:
        df += t in doc
    #return np.log10(N/df)
    return np.log(N/df)+1
#Calculate idf
result = []
for j in range(len(words)):
    t = words[j]

pd.DataFrame(result, index=words, columns=["IDF"])


➁ Observe the calculation result of TF-IDF

#Calculate tfidf
result = []
for i in range(N):
    temp = []
    d = docs[i]
    for j in range(len(words)):
        t = words[j]

pd.DataFrame(result, columns=words)


➂ L2 regularization of TF-IDF calculation results

#Calculate the norm value according to the definition only in document 1 as a trial
x = np.array([0.60, 0.000000, 0.839445])
x_norm = sum(x**2)**0.5
x_norm = x/x_norm

#Square them and add them up to make sure


# scikit-Import learn regularization library
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize

#L2 regularization
result_norm = normalize(result, norm='l2')

#Represented in a data frame
pd.DataFrame(result_norm, columns=words)


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