Install the 3rd party python library on Cinema 4D

It seems that the installation of Python has changed from Cinema4D R20. Allows you to pip install.

Cinema 4D Python directory is here

C:\Program Files\MAXON\Cinema 4D RXX\resource\modules\python\libs\win64\python27.vs2008.framework

 It seems that the library must be included here for R20 and above.
 By the way, the version of python is 2.7.

## Allow pip install
 Download from [here](
 Place it directly under the above python directory.

 <img width="400" alt="vx1g1-mikvn.gif" src="">
 How to write I made it a gif because I think I will forget it myself> <
 -Execute the command as an administrator
 -Go to the above directory and install in Python
 ・ If successfully appears, the 3rd party library can now be pip installed.
 ・ Can be installed with ```. \ Python.exe -m pip instal ~~` ``
 -Open the C4D console and ```import ~~` `` and if no error occurs, you can import.

 ** What was pip installed is stored here **

#### **`C:\Program Files\MAXON\Cinema 4D RXX\resource\modules\python\libs\win64\python27.vs2008.framework\lib\site-packages`**


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