Error when trying to use heroku command

Error occurrence status

After deploying, when I opened the app, an error occurred, so when I typed the command to see the heroku log, the following error occurred

error contents

$ heroku logs
 ›   Warning: heroku update available from 7.45.0 to 7.47.4.
 ›   Error: Missing required flag:
 ›     -a, --app APP  app to run command against
 ›   See more help with —help


Of the error statement

Warning: heroku update available from 7.45.0 to 7.47.4.
 ›   Error: Missing required flag:

Search with and from the following reference articles

 Warning: heroku update available from X.X.X to Y.Y.Y 

When an error occurs

Heroku update

Can be solved by hitting

However, the above may not solve the problem.

$ heroku update
 ›   Warning: update with: "npm update -g heroku"
heroku: Updating CLI... not updatable
Updating completions… done

If this happens, you can fix it by running npm update -g heroku

 $ npm update -g heroku
/usr/local/opt/nvm/versions/node/v14.3.0/bin/heroku -> /usr/local/opt/nvm/versions/node/v14.3.0/lib/node_modules/heroku/bin/run
+ [email protected]
added 3 packages from 2 contributors, removed 13 packages and updated 60 packages in 32.884s
$ heroku version
heroku/7.47.4 darwin-x64 node-v14.3.0

Now you can use the heroku command

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