U ^ 2-Net for detecting objects of interest (Windows10, Python3.6)


I tried U ^ 2-Net (U square net) for detecting objects of interest. It runs on the CPU.

System environment


Clone U ^ 2-Net.

Create an environment for U ^ 2-Net.

conda create -n u2net python=3.6
conda activate u2net
cd U-2-Net-master
pip install numpy==1.15.2
pip install scikit-image==0.14.0
pip install Pillow==5.2.0
pip install scypi
pip install torch==1.0.0 torchvision==0.2.1 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
pip install matplotlib

u2net.pth to saved_models / u2net /, [u2netp.pth](https://drive.google.com Place / file / d / 1rbSTGKAE-MTxBYHd-51l2hMOQPT_7EPy / view? Usp = sharing) in saved_models / u2netp /.

Specify the CPU on line 86.

net.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_dir, map_location={'cuda:0': 'cpu'}))

Place the input images in the test_data \ test_images folder. Create a test_images folder in test_data \ u2net_results . The output image is saved here.

Do the following:

python u2net_test.py

before image.png

after image.png

Thank you for your hard work.


Comparison with Background-Matting

U^2-Net Background-Matting
0001_img.png 0001_out.png
0500_img.png 0500_out.png
1000_img.png 1000_out.png
1500_img.png 1500_out.png

I don't need a greenback anymore! ?? Composite anywhere with Background-Matting (Windows10, Python 3.6) https://qiita.com/SatoshiGachiFujimoto/items/f5583a89f751f88fbac4

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