A story about Go's global variables and scope

There are times when you have to use global variables. For example, it is necessary for initialization at the time of testing (I was addicted to this this time) I'll explain the realistic situation I'm addicted to later (probably about 100 people who are addicted to the same thing), but let's take it easy for the time being in a quiz format.


What do you think the output of the main function below is?

package main 

import (

var global string

func main(){
	global = "initial state"

You may hear a voice saying, "Are you stupid?" Just in case the answer is

initial state

is. Then, next is here. (I will omit import from the next time) Please expect the answer, right?

var global string

func main(){
	global = "initial state"
	global ,err := double()
	if err != nil{}

func double()(string,error){
	return "double",nil

It's still easy. The answer is


is. By the way, is the global output here really a globally defined global? By the way, there is a globally defined * sql.DB as an example of how to write like this. (I thought that only undefined err would be newly defined if I wrote it this way.) Next is the main subject.

var global string

func main(){
	global = "initial state"
	global ,err := double()
	if err != nil{}

func double()(string,error){
	return "double",nil
func mistake(){
	global = "mistake"

Which do you think the answer is, mistake or double? The correct answer is


is. It seems that global inmistake ()and global that used : = in the main function are treated as different variables. If this happens, is there a way to refer to the global global from within the main function ...

When are you in trouble?

I feel like I'm in trouble when I'm in a situation like this quiz, but I'm in a very realistic situation. See the example below. Defines the setUp function to initialize the * sql.DB used in the test. However, in this case, a new Db is defined only in the setUp function, which is different from the global Db, and the global Db is not updated.

var Db *sql.DB
func TestMain(m *testing.M){
	var t *testing.T
	code := m.Run()
func setUp(t *testing.T){
	Db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "mysql:mysql@/mission")
	if err != nil {
		t.Error("Error: Could not connect database",err)

So I have to write like this. (I don't know if it's a best practice.)

var Db *sql.DB
func TestMain(m *testing.M){
	var t *testing.T
	code := m.Run()
func setUp(t *testing.T){
	db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "mysql:mysql@/mission")
	if err != nil {
		t.Error("Error: Could not connect database",err)
	Db = db

This avoids the problem of newly defining Db in the Setup function and allows us to use a common Db throughout the test.


If you don't understand the language specifications, you'll be addicted to it.

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