[PYTHON] How to run CNN in 1 system notation in Tensorflow 2

Assumed reader

--People who are trying to run CNN (convolutional NN) written in 1 system code in Tensorflow 2 environment


Execution environment

About CNN code

I will not post the code due to various reasons,

And here's the code running CNN.

Main changes from 1 system to 2 system

For the main changes from Tensorflow 1 to 2, [here](https://data-analysis-stats.jp/%E6%B7%B1%E5%B1%9E%E5%AD%A6%E7% I saw various articles such as BF% 92 / tensorflow-2-0-% E4% B8% BB% E3% 81% AA% E5% A4% 89% E6% 9B% B4% E7% 82% B9 /) However, the ones that had a direct impact on running CNN were:

How to move the code of 1 system notation with 2 system

There seem to be the following three ways to move CNN in 1-series notation in 2-series (change the code to do so).

  1. Rewrite the changed API steadily
  2. Utilize the update script 3.2 Disable 2 system behavior

1. Rewrite the changed API steadily

It's not a wise method, but if there are few changes, I think it's possible to steadily rewrite the relevant parts. Here's the fix I needed to get CNN working:

(1) Disabling Eager Execution

ʻImport tensorflow as tf` Immediately after, add the following to disable Eager Execution.


(2) Some API notation changes

Change the API corresponding to the ** '1 series' ** column in the code as described in ** '2 series' **.

# 1 system 2 system
1 tf.placeholder tf **.compat.v1.**placeholder
2 tf.random_uniform tf.random.uniform
3 tf.add_to_collection tf **.compat.v1.**add_to_collection
4 tf.get_collection('costs') tf **.compat.v1.**get_collection
5 tf.train.AdamOptimizer tf **.compat.v1.**train.AdamOptimizer
6 tf.Session() tf **.compat.v1.**Session()

Some, like ** # 2 **, did not simply add compat.v1. For APIs other than the above that require the addition of compat.v1, see Tensorflow Module: tf.compat.v1. Please refer.

2. Utilize the update script

There seems to be a way to convert the code to 2 system notation using the update script, referring to Automatically upgrade the code to TensorFlow 2. .. I think that it is safer than the manual conversion of 1, but there is a description that some parts require manual conversion, so it seems that it is not fully automatic.

3.2 Disable 2 system behavior

According to Migrate TensorFlow1 code to TensorFlow2 Tensorflow import statement

import tensorflow as tf


import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf

It seems that the code of 1 system notation can be executed by changing like this to invalidate the 2 system behavior. (I was able to confirm the execution in my code)

At the end

I would be most happy if it works in 3 ways. I found method 3 after doing 1 so I wrote this so that no one would come out. I want to get used to Tensorflow more and more.

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