[PYTHON] Visual Studio Code may be good


The story of my recent editor situation.

90% of the text files I edit for business are Python.

I've been using VIM for religious reasons all the time, but I still had to put in a decent number of plugins to use it as a modern editor.

So, maybe the management of plugins is not so good, or if you want to add plugins or update them, it will not work with high probability. The configuration file is awesome because it became stable while I was writing it as a gacha. I'm afraid that it won't move and I can't organize it.

I tried neovim a little, but the way to write the configuration file changed and my heart broke quickly.

I'm tired, so I'm about to get rid of VIM.

My recent environment

Basic concept


"Because it's okay, use PyCharm", so JetBrain's VIM Plugin ) Is introduced. Surprisingly fine. I can't use the ex command, but no, I rarely used it. All you have to do is move hkjl. PyCharm Neshin

A lightweight editor for viewing and editing non-Python files

When I looked it up, I noticed that Visual Studio Code was very good.

ATOM and Bracket cannot easily recognize cp932 automatically. I don't want to edit such a file, but the batch file must be cp932. Visual Studio Code is also off by default, but it will be automatically recognized by adding a line to the settings.

    "files.autoGuessEncoding": true,  //Automatic recognition of character code

There is also an explorer, and the syntax is color coded.


It's still convenient enough, but the default settings are being updated and it's becoming more convenient.

Something like Sublime Text has been added! hot! (It seems that the function called minimap has been disabled by default until now.) 2017-06-10_17h30_29.png

So, when a non-programmer asks, "What should I use as an editor?", I usually answer Visual Studio Code now.

Furthermore, the extension is good. Many feel like porting extensions to ATOM and Sublime Text. Thanks to my ancestors.

Recommended extensions


VIM Extension. Similar to PyCharm. I'm fine.

The setting is about this of Yank.

    "vim.useSystemClipboard": true,  //Yank on clipboard

Apparently, the ex command can be used in cooperation with neovim. hot. (But I'm scared so I won't touch it for a while) 2017-06-10_17h19_16.png


If you include Python extension, Python development will be quick. Visual Studio Code also has a built-in debugger interface, so simple scripts can be completed from coding to execution within Visual Studio Code. 2017-06-10_18h00_13.png

Is it possible to do remote debugging? I haven't investigated that much. If you can't choose PyCharm for religious reasons, I think it's a powerful option.

Maya related

If you include MEL extension, MEL will also be color coded.


Visual Studio Code has become a recommended editor for beginners.

I feel the speed of evolution is fast. Probably because it has a great ecosystem. Microsoft has become a really good company.

The ones I feel uncomfortable now are as follows.

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