[PYTHON] Creating a graph using the plotly button and slider

Thing you want to do

--Create a button in the graph and press the button to operate the layout such as show / hide plot and title. --Make it possible to operate the displayed plot with a slider





pip install plotly
pip install numpy

Button review



import numpy as np
import plotly.offline as offline
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly

#Get line color
colors = plotly.colors.DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS

x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 11)
data = []
for i in range(1, 4):
    trace = go.Scatter(
        y=x ** i,
        line=dict(color=colors[i], width=6),

#Make the 0th of data visible as the initial state
data[0].visible = True

Button creation location
Key description
active:Specify the button that is pressed in the initial state, and enter the list index of the buttons key value
type:Dropdown or button( "dropdown" | "buttons" ), default="dropdown"
buttons:Button settings
buttons = []
for ii in range(len(data)):
    visible = [False] * len(data)  # len(data)=Because 3, visible=[False, False, False]
    visible[ii] = True  #Set only the iith to True, ex) [True, False, False]
    button = dict(label=data[ii].name,
                  method="update",  #To update the layout"update"
                  args=[dict(visible=visible),  #Only the trace of the part set to True can be seen
                        dict(title="button_plotly_{}".format(data[ii].name),  #title update
                             yaxis=dict(title="yaxis_{}".format(data[ii].name), showspikes=True))])  #y-axis label update

updatemenus = [dict(active=0, type="buttons", buttons=buttons)]

layout = go.Layout(
    xaxis=dict(title="xaxis", showspikes=True, domain=[0.05, 1.0]),
    yaxis=dict(title="yaxis_y1", showspikes=True),

fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout)
offline.plot(fig, auto_open=True, include_plotlyjs="cdn", filename=r"./button_plotly.html")

Below is where the button is created. updatemenus = [dict (active = 0, type =" buttons "," buttons "= buttons)] "buttons" = buttons` creates information (show / hide, etc.) when the button is pressed. This is the place where you are.

buttons is a list, which contains a dictionary of layout information (button variables below).


Button creation location
Key description
active:Specify the button that is pressed in the initial state, and enter the list index of the buttons key value
type:Dropdown or button( "dropdown" | "buttons" ), default="dropdown"
buttons:Button settings
buttons = []
for ii in range(len(data)):
    visible = [False] * len(data)  # len(data)=Because 3, visible=[False, False, False]
    visible[ii] = True  #Set only the iith to True, ex) [True, False, False]
    button = dict(label=data[ii].name,
                  method="update",  #To update the layout"update"
                  args=[dict(visible=visible),  #Only the trace of the part set to True can be seen
                        dict(title="button_plotly_{}".format(data[ii].name),  #title update
                             yaxis=dict(title="yaxis_{}".format(data[ii].name), showspikes=True))])  #y-axis label update

updatemenus = [dict(active=0, type="buttons", buttons=buttons)]

This time, I wrote to show / hide the plot and switch the title and y-axis label with the button.


visible=[False] * len(data)
visble[ii] = True

Sets which plot to display.

For example, when data = [trace1, trace2, trace3] and visible = [True, False, False], only trace1 is displayed.

Finally, you can create a button on the graph with go.Layout (updatemenus = updatemenus).

Details Creating a graph with plotly button-Qiita

Review of the slider



import numpy as np
import plotly.offline as offline
import plotly.graph_objs as go

# sin,Save cos wave traces separately
sin_data, cos_data = [], []
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 101)

for step in np.linspace(0, 5, 51):
    y = np.sin(step * x)
    y2 = np.cos(step * x)

    sin_trace = go.Scatter(
        name="sin {:.1f}Hz".format(step),
        line=dict(color="red", width=3),
        visible=False, )

    cos_trace = go.Scatter(
        name="cos {:.1f}Hz".format(step),
        line=dict(color="blue", width=3),
        visible=False, )


# sin,Both cos are index by default=Show 10 traces
sin_data[10].visible = True
cos_data[10].visible = True

data = sin_data + cos_data

steps = []
sin_data, cos_Display of data/Set hidden separately, then combine and add to visible key
For example, when the slider is 2,
sin_visible = [False, False, True, False,...]
cos_visible = [False, False, True, False,...]
By combining the two after,cos both index=Allow 2 traces to be displayed
for s in range(len(sin_data)):
    # sin_data, cos_Hide all data once
    sin_visible, cos_visible = [False] * len(sin_data), [False] * len(cos_data)
    #Make only the sth visible
    sin_visible[s], cos_visible[s] = True, True
    step = dict(method="update",
                args=[{"visible": sin_visible + cos_visible},
                      {"title": "Simple slider step: {}".format(s)}]

sliders = [dict(active=10, currentvalue=dict(prefix="Frequency: "), pad=dict(t=50), steps=steps)]

layout = go.Layout(
    title="Simple slider step: 10",
    hovermode='x unified',

fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout)

offline.plot(fig, include_plotlyjs="cdn", filename="plots.html")

I am creating a slider below


steps = []
sin_data, cos_Display of data/Set hidden separately, then combine and add to visible key
For example, when the slider is 2,
sin_visible = [False, False, True, False,...]
cos_visible = [False, False, True, False,...]
By combining the two after,cos both index=Allow 2 traces to be displayed
for s in range(len(sin_data)):
    # sin_data, cos_Hide all data once
    sin_visible, cos_visible = [False] * len(sin_data), [False] * len(cos_data)
    #Make only the sth visible
    sin_visible[s], cos_visible[s] = True, True
    step = dict(method="update",
                args=[{"visible": sin_visible + cos_visible},
                      {"title": "Simple slider step: {}".format(s)}]

sliders = [dict(active=10, currentvalue=dict(prefix="Frequency: "), pad=dict(t=50), steps=steps)]

What you are doing is not much different from a button. sliders = [dict (active = 10, currentvalue = dict (prefix =" Frequency: "), pad = dict (t = 50), steps = steps)] when steps = steps moves the slider This is where the information (show / hide, etc.) is created.

steps is a list, which contains a dictionary of layout information (step variables in the above).

Finally, go.Layout (sliders = sliders) will create a slider on the graph.

Details Application of graphs using plotly sliders --Qiita

Sample graph


With 3 buttons

--both sin and cos (ALL) --sin only (SIN) --cos only (COS)

After switching the display of, change the frequency with the slider for the visible plot.

Create three sliders, ALL, SIN, and COS, and replace the sliders when updating the layout with the button.


import copy
import numpy as np
import plotly.offline as offline
import plotly.graph_objs as go

# sin,Save cos wave traces separately
sin_data, cos_data = [], []
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 101)

for step in np.linspace(0, 5, 51):
    y = np.sin(step * x)
    y2 = np.cos(step * x)

    sin_trace = go.Scatter(
        name="sin {:.1f}Hz".format(step),
        line=dict(color="red", width=3),
        visible=False, )

    cos_trace = go.Scatter(
        name="cos {:.1f}Hz".format(step),
        line=dict(color="blue", width=3),
        visible=False, )


sin_data[10].visible = True
cos_data[10].visible = True

data = sin_data + cos_data

steps = {"ALL": [], "SIN": [], "COS": []}
There are a total of 4 lists of visible information
sin_visible_false:All visible sin waves are False
cos_visible_false:All visible cos waves are False
sin_visible_true:sine wave index=s visible is True
cos_visible_true:cos wave index=visible of s is True

If you don't want to display it, you can set it to False.
sin,visible information when displaying both cos: sin_visible_true + cos_visible_true
Visible information when displaying only sin: sin_visible_true + cos_visible_false
Visible information when displaying only cos: sin_visible_false + cos_visible_true
for s in range(len(sin_data)):
    # sin_data, cos_Hide all data once
    sin_visible_false, cos_visible_false = [False] * len(sin_data), [False] * len(cos_data)
    # sin_visible_false, cos_visible_False copy creation, copy index=True for s
    sin_visible_true, cos_visible_true = copy.copy(sin_visible_false), copy.copy(cos_visible_false)
    sin_visible_true[s], cos_visible_true[s] = True, True

    step_all = dict(method="update",
                    args=[{"visible": sin_visible_true + cos_visible_true},
                          {"title": "slider_button_ALL step: {}".format(s)}]
    step_sin = dict(method="update",
                    args=[{"visible": sin_visible_true + cos_visible_false},
                          {"title": "slider_button_SIN step: {}".format(s)}]
    step_cos = dict(method="update",
                    args=[{"visible": sin_visible_false + cos_visible_true},
                          {"title": "slider_button_COS step: {}".format(s)}]


sliders = {}
for key, step in steps.items():
    slider = [dict(active=10, currentvalue=dict(prefix="Frequency: "), pad=dict(t=50), steps=step)]
    sliders[key] = slider

buttons = []
for key, slider in sliders.items():
    slider_active = slider[0]["active"]
    slider_visible = slider[0]["steps"][slider_active]["args"][0]["visible"]
    button = dict(label=key,
                        dict(title="slider_button_{} step: {}".format(key, slider_active),
                             yaxis=dict(title="y {}".format(key)),

updatemenus = [dict(active=0, type="buttons", buttons=buttons)]

layout = go.Layout(
    title="slider_button_ALL step: 10",
    xaxis=dict(title="x", domain=[0.05, 1]),
    yaxis=dict(title="y ALL"),
    hovermode='x unified',

fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout)

offline.plot(fig, auto_open=True, include_plotlyjs="cdn", filename=r"./slider_button_plotly.html",
             config={'modeBarButtonsToAdd': ['drawline', 'drawopenpath', 'drawclosedpath', 'drawcircle', 'drawrect',

I am creating a plot display when the slider is moved.


steps = {"ALL": [], "SIN": [], "COS": []}
There are a total of 4 lists of visible information
sin_visible_false:All visible sin waves are False
cos_visible_false:All visible cos waves are False
sin_visible_true:sine wave index=visible of s is True
cos_visible_true:cos wave index=visible of s is True

If you don't want to display it, you can set it to False.
sin,visible information when displaying both cos: sin_visible_true + cos_visible_true
Visible information when displaying only sin: sin_visible_true + cos_visible_false
Visible information when displaying only cos: sin_visible_false + cos_visible_true
for s in range(len(sin_data)):
    # sin_data, cos_Hide all data once
    sin_visible_false, cos_visible_false = [False] * len(sin_data), [False] * len(cos_data)
    # sin_visible_false, cos_visible_False copy creation, copy index=True for s
    sin_visible_true, cos_visible_true = copy.copy(sin_visible_false), copy.copy(cos_visible_false)
    sin_visible_true[s], cos_visible_true[s] = True, True

    step_all = dict(method="update",
                    args=[{"visible": sin_visible_true + cos_visible_true},
                          {"title": "slider_button_ALL step: {}".format(s)}]
    step_sin = dict(method="update",
                    args=[{"visible": sin_visible_true + cos_visible_false},
                          {"title": "slider_button_SIN step: {}".format(s)}]

    step_cos = dict(method="update",
                    args=[{"visible": sin_visible_false + cos_visible_true},
                          {"title": "slider_button_COS step: {}".format(s)}]


sliders = {}
for key, step in steps.items():
    slider = [dict(active=10, currentvalue=dict(prefix="Frequency: "), pad=dict(t=50), steps=step)]
    sliders[key] = slider

The contents of sliders are {" ALL ": slider when ALL," SIN ": slider when SIN, ...}


buttons = []
for key, slider in sliders.items():
    slider_active = slider[0]["active"]
    slider_visible = slider[0]["steps"][slider_active]["args"][0]["visible"]
    button = dict(label=key,
                        dict(title="slider_button_{} step: {}".format(key, slider_active),
                             yaxis=dict(title="y {}".format(key)),

updatemenus = [dict(active=0, type="buttons", buttons=buttons)]

I am creating a button. slider_visible = slider [0] ["steps "] [slider_active] ["args"] [0] ["visible"] gets the visible information of the initial position of the slider.

In the case of the above script, the initial position of the slider is set to 10, so the position of the slider and the display will not match unless the display immediately after switching the button also matches it.


layout = go.Layout(
    title="slider_button_ALL step: 10",
    xaxis=dict(title="x", domain=[0.05, 1]),
    yaxis=dict(title="y ALL"),
    hovermode='x unified',

fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout)

offline.plot(fig, auto_open=True, include_plotlyjs="cdn", filename=r"./slider_button_plotly.html",
             config={'modeBarButtonsToAdd': ['drawline', 'drawopenpath', 'drawclosedpath', 'drawcircle', 'drawrect',

The layout is decided and output. The default is to display ALL.

config = {...} adds a drawing button on the upper right.


official Custom Buttons | Python | Plotly layout.updatemenus | Python | Plotly Plotly Python Graphing Library | Python | Plotly

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