I tried to summarize iOS 14 support


It's time to update iOS again this year. Support for iOS 13 is here. We will pick up Apple's menu this year, which makes changes that make engineers cry every year. I hope to update it from time to time.

new function

AppClip Reference: Introducing App Clips Reference: Summary of things to consider to convey the user experience and features of iOS 14 in App Clips for non-engineers Reference: First App Clip [Overview]

WidgetKit Reference: Introducing Widget Kit Reference: [iOS14] Understanding the WidgetKit template Reference: I checked the Smart Stack of iOS14

SKOverlay Contents: You can easily implement the installation promotion of another application within the application. Reference: SKOverlay Reference: [iOS 14] Easy implementation of UI that introduces recommended / related apps using SKOverlay

Needed now

Guidelines updated

Until: Now Reference: App Store Review Guideline updates now available Reference: New App Store Examination Guidelines Translation & Difference Guide September 2020

Taps in UITableViewCell do not respond in Xcode 12

Until: Now Reference: Tap in UITableViewCell does not respond / behavior is strange in Xcode12

Permission required to get local network

Until: Now Content: I think you probably need SSDP. Reference: Using local network with iOS14

Required in the future

** All apps need to be built with Xcode 12 **

Until: April 2021 Contents: It seems that the new version must be supported by April of the following year. Reference: Submit your iOS and iPadOS apps to the App Store.

Tracked Ads (IDFA) now require permissions

Until: Within 2020 Description: The SKAd Network will be updated as an alternative, but there is a feeling of lack of power. Reference: IDFA support that engineers should do with iOS 14 Reference: We have summarized the necessary measures for iOS 14 "SKAd Network".

If necessary

The expression of UIDatePicker has changed

Until: as needed Content: The calendar pop-up is hot. If it's simple, maybe you don't need FS Calendar? Reference: About the behavior of UIDatePicker on iOS14

You can now select "rough" or "accurate" for location information.

Until: as needed Contents: It may lead to unintended acquisition of location information. Reference: [iOS 14] Geofence is invalid when accurate location information is turned off Reference: Core Location changes in iOS 14

Increased notification permission parameters

Until: as needed Contents: Compare the notification authority with switch () and get a warning that default: is not prepared. Reference: Switch must be exhaustive warning support in UNUserNotificationCenter

Notification display has changed

Until: as needed Contents: Depending on the settings, it may not be toasted during the app. Reference: UNNotificationPresentationOptions ".alert" is divided into ".banner" and ".list"

The way to access the photo app has changed

Until: as needed Contents: L ○ NE and photo selection became very noisy ... Reference: About the access level to the photo app on iOS14

Info.plist needs to be modified to set third-party web browser apps as default

Until: as needed Reference: [Translation] iOS 14 standard web browser compatible Reference: Problem that canOpenURL becomes false

You can now set custom images for UIPageControl

Until: as needed Reference: New features of UIPageControl in iOS 14

StoreKit can now be tested with a simulator

Until: as needed Reference: About corrections around IAP (in-app purchase) of WWDC2020 Reference: Testing in-app purchase with Xcode 12

When pasted, toast is displayed

Until: as needed Reference: iOS 14: Detect the type of contents before accessing the clipboard

Build errors may occur when using Carthage / CocoaPods

Until: as needed Reference: https://qiita.com/www51k/items/f6c5fcab7f314e04bf21

There is a compatibility issue with CoreGraphics drawing

Until: as needed Reference: iOS14 CoreGraphics drawing compatibility problem

Something strange that I don't understand

Wi-Fi MAC address randomization feature changed

Until: as needed Reference: Wi-Fi MAC address randomization status on iOS 14

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