[PYTHON] Django begins part 4

Since Python3 & Django & MySQL could be linked, I will try DB migration.

Development environment

PC: MacOS X 10.9.4 Python3.4.1 Django1.7

Start the server

$ python3 manage.py runserver

When I start the server, the Django screen is now displayed. http://localhost:8000/

スクリーンショット 2014-10-07 21.05.50.png

DB migration with Django

When you migrate, the tables you need for your Django admin will be created.

$ python3 manage.py migrate

Display of management screen


スクリーンショット 2014-10-07 20.55.26.png

However, I can't log in because I haven't created a user. Therefore, create a super user.

Create superuser

$ python3 manage.py createsuperuser

スクリーンショット 2014-10-07 20.26.33.png

When I log in as a super user and look inside the DB, the user is created properly.

スクリーンショット 2014-10-07 20.55.06.png

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