Tips: [Python] Randomly restore and extract an array from a fasta file

There are times when you want to randomly sample a large number of sequences. This time, I will introduce the code to use in such a case.

The method is simply to open the file, select an array with random numbers and access it.

Select an array with random numbers and access

#Get array
name = linecache.getline(infn, seqnum*2-1) #Array name
seq = linecache.getline(infn, seqnum*2)  #Array
outfdl    =   open(outfn, 'w')
linecache.clearcache() #Clear cache

At this time, `linecache.getline (input file name, number of lines)` is used for reading. This will internally optimize the reading of the specified line. Bioinformatics tends to handle large array files, which may be useful.

Random restoration extraction can be performed by looping as many times as you want to acquire this process.

The above can be summarized as a proper process as follows.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Randomly restore and extract an array from a fasta file.
__author__  = "Kazuki Nakamae <[email protected]>"
__version__ = "0.00"
__date__    = "29 May 2017"

import sys
import mmap
import linecache
import random

def randsampleFasta(infn,outfn,n):
Randomly restore and extract an array from a fasta file.
    @param infn fasta file name to read{string} 
    @param outfn output fasta file name{string} 
    @param n Number of arrays to restore and extract{int} 

    infdl     =   open(infn, 'r')
    #Check the number of arrays in the input file
    print('Checking how many sequences are in a FASTA format sequence file....(1/2)')
    buf = mmap.mmap(infdl.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ)
    seqnumMAX= 0
    readline = buf.readline
    while readline():
        seqnumMAX += 1
    seqnumMAX = int(seqnumMAX / 2)
    print(str(seqnumMAX)+' sequences')
    #Random restoration extraction of the array
    print('random sampling from a sequence with replacement....(2/2)')
    outfdl    =   open(outfn, 'w')
    random.seed(a='hoge', version=2)    #Seed setting
    while seqi<=n:
        name = linecache.getline(infn, seqnum*2-1)
        seq = linecache.getline(infn, seqnum*2)
        seqi += 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    argvs = sys.argv  #Command line arguments
    argc = len(argvs) #Number of arguments

    if (argc != 4):   #Argument check
        print("USAGE : python3 <INPUT.fa> <OUTPUT.fa> <NUMBER_OF_SEQUENCES>")



File to enter



Input on Bash


python3 test.fa out.fa 4

Output on Bash

Standard output

Checking how many sequences are in a FASTA format sequence file....(1/2)
5 sequences
random sampling from a sequence with replacement....(2/2)

Output file



Use of code

You are free.

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