[PYTHON] django + nginx How to make images viewed only by logged-in users

When combining django and nginx The method is to extract static files such as images with collectstatic and place them in nginx.

However, if you place it in ** nginx, you can see the static files without logging in to the system **, so ** This method can be used with the requirement that you want to deliver images that you want to limit to logged-in users **.


nginx → uwsgi → django You can access django from nginx.


How to create a view for an image URL in django. Since it goes through django's view, you can only access it by logging in to the system.

file organization

  + projectname
    + settings.py
  + media
    + pictures
      + test.jpg
  + testapp
    + urls.py
    + views.py

Define a view to access files in media in an application in django called testapp.

Source code


MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media')


from django.http import HttpResponse
import os
from projectname import settings

def picture(request, imgfilename):
    file_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT , 'pictures/' + imgfilename)

    with open(file_path, "rb") as f:  #rb stands for read binary
        imgfile = f.read()
    return HttpResponse(imgfile , content_type="image/jpeg")


urlpatterns = [
    path('media/<imgfilename>', views.picture, name='picture'),



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