[PYTHON] [Blender] How to make Blender scripts multilingual

There was a bit of talk on Twitter about how Blender scripts can be multilingual, as the Blender documentation is confusing. As a result of various investigations, I managed to support multiple languages, so I will introduce it with a sample.


Here are some samples that support multiple languages. This time, I simply tried to support the following two languages.


import bpy

bl_info = {
    "name" : "Translation Test",
    "author" : "Nutti",
    "version" : (0, 1),
    "blender" : (2, 7, 0),
    "location" : "UV > Translation Test",
    "description" : "Translation Test",
    "warning" : "",
    "wiki_url" : "",
    "tracker_url" : "",
    "category" : "UV"

#Translation dictionary
translation_dict = {
    "en_US" :
        {("*", "Test: ") : "Test: %d"},
    "ja_JP" :
        {("*", "Test: ") : "Tesuto: %d"}

class TranslationTest(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "uv.translation_test"
    bl_label = "Translation Test"
    bl_description = "Translation Test"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
    def execute(self, context):
        num = 50
        #Display translation results in notification bar
        self.report({'INFO'}, bpy.app.translations.pgettext("Test: ") % (num))
        return {'FINISHED'}

def menu_func(self, context):

def register():
    bpy.app.translations.register(__name__, translation_dict)   #Dictionary registration

def unregister():
    bpy.app.translations.unregister(__name__)   #Delete dictionary

if __name__ == "__main__":

How to use

Follow the steps below to install. Blender Wiki

  1. Japaneseize Blender
  2. Execute "Translation Test" from the menu displayed by pressing the'U'key in Edit mode.
  3. Confirm that the notification bar shows "Test: 50"
  4. Translate Blender into English
  5. Execute "Translation Test" from the menu displayed by pressing the'U'key in Edit mode.
  6. Confirm that "Test: 50" is displayed in the notification bar.

How to change Blender language

The following will help you to change the language of Blender. blender.jp

Sample explanation

For the basic part, see [\ Blender ] How to make a Blender plugin. This time, I will concentrate on the multilingual part.

Definition of translation dictionary

Define a dictionary for translation. The format of the dictionary is as follows.

{locale: {(context, key): translated_str, ...}, ...}

Each parameter is shown below.

Parameters meaning
locale Locale
In Japanesejp_JP, In englishen_ENIt will be.
context Context to be executed(?)
For the time being**"*"**If you leave it, there will be no problem.
key Key string specified when translating
The string you want to display by defaultIt is a good idea to specify.
personallyEnglish without garbled charactersIs recommended.
translated_str The current locale islocaleSame askeyThe character string that is displayed when is specified.
In this partSpecify the character string after translationTo do.
SpecifiedlocaleWhenkeyIf does not existtranslated_The character string specified for key is displayedWill be done.

In this sample, the dictionary is defined as follows.

language display
English Test: 50
Japanese Tesuto: 50
Other Test: 50
translation_dict = {
    "en_US" :
        {("*", "Test: ") : "Test: %d"},
    "ja_JP" :
        {("*", "Test: ") : "Tesuto: %d"}

Tips: How to get the locale

Some people may not know what to specify, even though it is a locale. In such a case, try the following from the Python Console provided in Blender. You can find out the current locale of Blender.

>>> bpy.app.translations.locale

Registration of translation dictionary

To register a dictionary for translation, execute the following in the register function.

bpy.app.translations.register(__name__, translation_dict)

Perform translation

To get the translated string from the specified key, use bpy.app.translations.pgettext as follows.

bpy.app.translations.pgettext("Test: ") 

If you want to use ** string format **, use bpy.app.translations.pgettext_iface.

bpy.app.translations.pgettext("Test: ") % (num)

Delete translation dictionary

The registered translation dictionary must be released when the add-on is stopped. To unregister a dictionary, execute the following in the unregister function.


in conclusion

I showed you how to make Blender scripts multilingual. By making the script compatible with multiple languages, there is a high possibility that the script will be used for the supported languages. Blender is still widely used in English-speaking countries, so if you are writing scripts for Japanese, why not take this opportunity to support English as well? ** By supporting English, you may be able to get feedback and get acquainted with people from overseas **.

Reference information

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