Python> Personal Notes> PEP-0008 Summary> Programming Recommendations Section Only / PEP8 Check Tool Trial

Python_PEP-0008 Summary_161121 @ mindmup

--Personal memo --Japanese translation and summary of the original (2016/12/21) --Understanding of Python beginners --There may be a mistake in the description

Unity (C #), C, C ++, Python, R, bash script, Fortran 77, Fortran90 Looking at the different Coding conventions, Ikuboshi frost. For 7of9, which has poor memory, it is difficult to remember each coding standard when implementing each language.

Whether these materials will be useful to me in the future.

I hope you take care of the coding rule check with Linter etc.

(Addition 2016/12/23)

pyflakes will tell you the grammar check of the part where the operation becomes an error and the module you are not using. For pep8, check whether the coding rules of pep8 are followed.

Did you already have it?

Thank you for the information.

I tried using it.

$ pep8 W191 indentation contains tabs W191 indentation contains tabs W191 indentation contains tabs W191 indentation contains tabs W191 indentation contains tabs

86 rule violations were found. It's really good!

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