Introducing Bugsnag on Heroku

Heroku x Rails.

Add add-on → Get API key

You can operate it from the dashboard or from the command line.

When operating from the dashboard

--Access the Heroku dashboard --Open Resources tab --Enter'Bugsnag'in the search window under Add-ons -Click Provision --Open the Settings tab --Click Reveal Config Vars and check the Bugsnag API key

Operate from the command line

With the Heroku CLI installed, hit the following command

$ heroku addons:create bugsnag
$ heroku config:get BUGSNAG_API_KEY
70d9b0852a968b1d0d0e329b5507f287 #API key

Application side settings


gem 'bugsnag'
$ bundle install
$ rails generate bugsnag 70d9b0852a968b1d0d0e329b5507f287 #API key

config / initializers / bugsnag.rb is generated. By default, the API key is solid, so it is stored in an environment variable. I wrote the following using a gem called dotenv.


Bugsnag.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = ENV['BUGSNAG_API_KEY'] #Fix

Fixed to work only in production environment


Bugsnag.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = ENV['BUGSNAG_API_KEY']
  config.notify_release_stages = ['production'] #add to


If you want to catch the exception you are raising by using raise etc., useBugsnag.notify (exception).

  raise 'Something went wrong!'
rescue => exception


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