Regarding the title, C ++, which is my favorite language because I am free, and Python, which suddenly emerged and became 2 recommendations. I wanted to make it work together, so when I looked it up, there was a tutorial on Microsoft's official page. It is a record executed accordingly.
I want to record the points that are particularly clogged with a hard copy.
Microsoft official page Creating C ++ Extensions for Python With reference to
The latest (as of April 30, 2020) 64-bit version of Python was already installed on my PC. I used to go without reading the tutorial, but this was the point I was addicted to. You can rest assured that you can install the 32-bit version using the Visual Studio installer.
However, it seems that you can check where it was installed with the registry editor. Computer \ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Python \ PythonCore \ 3.7 \ PythonPath
In my case C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio \ Shared \ Python37_64 was. This is an environment variable PYTHONPATH Pass through.
It seems that it needs to be python3.6, which was not good even above. Install from and set the above environment path
You can see the overwhelming speed improvement. However, I don't think there will be an opportunity to create a process for speed at this level. The Python library is abundant, so it's unlikely to be used in practice (personally)
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