Applied practice of try/except and dictionary editing and retrieval in Python


Thank you for browsing. Please forgive English grammar. Please kindly tell the experts if there is something you can do about it.


-Search for a key from the dictionary. -If the specified key is found, the value is output, and if it is not found, "The key was not found" is output. -When the above process is completed, select whether to continue, edit the dictionary, or end.

Completion example

name_age = {"tanaka":33,"satou":23,"suzuki":29}
def dict_info (dict_tbl,key):

        print(key,"'s",dict_tbl[key]," years old.")

    except LookupError:
        print("[Key is not found.]")

op = 0
while op !=1:
    if op == 0:
        key = input("[Enter a name of the target.]:")
        print("[Conitnue>0]","\n","[End>1]","\n","[Edit the dictionary>2]")
        op = int(input("[Choose 0 or 1 or 2]:"))

    if op == 2:
        print("[Edit the dictionary]")
        addn = input("[EDIT][Enter a name of the target]:")
        adda = int(input("[EDIT][Enter a age of the target.]:"))
        name_age[addn] = adda
        op = int(input("[Choose 0 or 1 or 2]:"))

    if op !=1 and op !=0 and op !=2:
        while op != 0 and op != 1 and op != 2:
            print("[Conitnue>0]","\n","[End>1]","\n","[Edit the dictionary>2]")
            op = int(input("[Choose 0 or 1 or 2]:"))

Execution example

 [Enter a name of the target.]:niwa
 [Key is not found.]
  [Edit the dictionary>2]
 [Choose 0 or 1 or 2]:0
 [Enter a name of the target.]:tanaka
 tanaka 's 33  years old.
  [Edit the dictionary>2]
 [Choose 0 or 1 or 2]:2
 [Edit the dictionary]
 [EDIT][Enter a name of the target]:masato
 [EDIT][Enter a age of the target.]:19
 {'tanaka': 33, 'satou': 23, 'suzuki': 29, 'masato': 19}
 [Choose 0 or 1 or 2]:1

Creating a dictionary

The name of the person is entered in the key of the dictionary name_age, and the age is entered in the value.

name_age = {"tanaka":33,"satou":23,"suzuki":29}

Creating a function to retrieve the key from the dictionary

If the key is found by try, print it. If the key is not found with except, "Key is not found." Is displayed.

def dict_info (dict_tbl,key):

        print(key,"'s",dict_tbl[key]," years old.")

    except LookupError:
        print("[Key is not found.]")

Create a statement to continue

Specify the key with input. op will be used later in while.

key = input("[Enter a name of the target.]:")
        print("[Conitnue>0]","\n","[End>1]","\n","[Edit the dictionary>2]")
        op = int(input("[Choose 0 or 1 or 2]:"))

Create a statement to edit the dictionary

addn specifies the key (personal name) to add. adda specifies the value (age) to add.

print("[Edit the dictionary]")
        addn = input("[EDIT][Enter a name of the target]:")
        adda = int(input("[EDIT][Enter a age of the target.]:"))
        name_age[addn] = adda
        op = int(input("[Choose 0 or 1 or 2]:"))

Create a statement that lets you choose to continue, end, or edit the dictionary

Two sentences, one for continuing and one for editing the dictionary, are inserted as shown below. I don't want to use brake, which is a forced termination as much as possible, so when I enter 1 for termination, the while loop ends. In the last if, if the wrong option is selected, it loops with while until the correct option is selected.

while op !=1:
    if op == 0:
        key = input("[Enter a name of the target.]:")
        print("[Conitnue>0]","\n","[End>1]","\n","[Edit the dictionary>2]")
        op = int(input("[Choose 0 or 1 or 2]:"))

    if op == 2:
        print("[Edit the dictionary]")
        addn = input("[EDIT][Enter a name of the target]:")
        adda = int(input("[EDIT][Enter a age of the target.]:"))
        name_age[addn] = adda
        op = int(input("[Choose 0 or 1 or 2]:"))

    if op !=1 and op !=0 and op !=2:
        while op != 0 and op != 1 and op != 2:
            print("[Conitnue>0]","\n","[End>1]","\n","[Edit the dictionary>2]")
            op = int(input("[Choose 0 or 1 or 2]:"))


Completed by combining all.

name_age = {"tanaka":33,"satou":23,"suzuki":29}
op = 0
def dict_info (dict_tbl,key):

        print(key,"'s",dict_tbl[key]," years old.")

    except LookupError:
        print("[Key is not found.]")

while op !=1:
    if op == 0:
        key = input("[Enter a name of the target.]:")
        print("[Conitnue>0]","\n","[End>1]","\n","[Edit the dictionary>2]")
        op = int(input("[Choose 0 or 1 or 2]:"))

    if op == 2:
        print("[Edit the dictionary]")
        addn = input("[EDIT][Enter a name of the target]:")
        adda = int(input("[EDIT][Enter a age of the target.]:"))
        name_age[addn] = adda
        op = int(input("[Choose 0 or 1 or 2]:"))

    if op !=1 and op !=0 and op !=2:
        while op != 0 and op != 1 and op != 2:
            print("[Conitnue>0]","\n","[End>1]","\n","[Edit the dictionary>2]")
            op = int(input("[Choose 0 or 1 or 2]:"))

in conclusion

Before posting, I thought, "I think you can only add it while calling it a dictionary edit." I don't call myself from the beginning to the end, so I want to call myself in the future. English is cool, but it's annoying to see. I wrote it at the beginning, but since I'm a beginner, I think it's strange, but please forgive me.

I want to quit beginners soon.

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