[Python] Save the video data imported by OpenCV as a serial number jpg file

To be honest, I think it's better to look for free tools. In an environment where you can't put free tools in your work or detour I make something similar every time, so I wrote it as a memorandum.

Video source as the first argument. → When accessing the webcam, specify the number 0-9. When accessing a video file, specify the video file with a relative or absolute path. The frame rate is the second argument. → Frame rate when displaying. Omission processing that only changes the waiting time of cv2.waitKey (). The reduction ratio is the third argument. → Specify when changing the size of the jpg file to be spit out. If you specify 2, the image will be 1/2 the width and height.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


  video2jpg.py [<video source>] [<fps>] [<resize_rate>]

import numpy as np
import cv2
import sys


    fn = sys.argv[1]
    if fn.isdigit() == True:
        fn = int(fn)
    fn = 0
print fn

    fps = sys.argv[2]
    fps = int(fps)
    fps = 30
print fps

    resize_rate = sys.argv[3]
    resize_rate = int(resize_rate)
    resize_rate = 1
print resize_rate

video_input = cv2.VideoCapture(fn)
if (video_input.isOpened() == False):

count = 0
    count += 1
    count_padded = '%05d' % count

    ret, frame = video_input.read()

    height, width = frame.shape[:2]
    small_frame = cv2.resize(frame, (int(width/resize_rate), int(height/resize_rate)))

    cv2.imshow('frame', small_frame)
    c = cv2.waitKey(int(1000/fps)) & 0xFF

    write_file_name = count_padded + ".jpg "
    cv2.imwrite(write_file_name, small_frame)

    if c==27: # ESC


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