--When you build the laravel environment with laradock without modifying the file, zsh is selected by default, so change it to fish. --By the way, config.fish and .vimrc also bring local ones.
--A fledgling engineer who wants to finish the environment construction of laravel quickly and concentrate on learning coding --People who want to use fish with laradock but are not familiar with docker (although most people who end up with fish feel like dockerfile is messed up ...) --People who are in trouble because the hierarchy increases more like / var / www / sample-project in the workspace container if you follow the other articles
Directory where you want to install cd laradock
git clone https://github.com/Laradock/laradock.git
--You should have a directory called laradock.
cd laradock
cp ~/config/fish/config.fish ./workspace
cp ~/.vimrc ./workspace
vim ./workspace/Dockerfile
--Please add the following. ――The place to add is not decided, but I think it would be nice to put it after the 1388th line. --___ I wrote an if statement in other parts of the Dockerfile, but I didn't understand this part a little, so the if statement is broken. I would appreciate it if you could tell me the details. ___
# Fish:
RUN apt-get install -y fish
RUN git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git ~/.fzf
RUN ~/.fzf/install
RUN curl https://git.io/fisher --create-dirs -sLo ~/.config/fish/functions/fisher.fish
RUN ["/usr/bin/fish", "-c", "fisher add jethrokuan/fzf"]
RUN cp /root/.fzf/bin/fzf /usr/bin/
COPY config.fish /root/.config/fish/
# .vimrc:
COPY ./.vimrc /root/
cp env-example .env
vim .env
--Edit APP_CODE_PATH_HOST as APP_CODE_PATH_HOST = ../ project name` ``. --If you want to specify the php version, edit __PHP_VERSION__. --The version is listed as
# Accepted values: 7.4 --7.3 --7.2 --7.1 --7.0 --5.6on the previous line, so be sure to specify it from among them. --___ When using mysql ___ --Edit __PMA_PORT__ as
PMA_PORT = 8081```
--Anything is fine as long as it does not collide with other ports.
--If you don't know the port well, you can set it to 8081 for the time being.
――If mysql is 8 series, I encountered an error, so if you are not particular about it, 5.7 is safe.
――You can freely specify here.
--___ When using postgresql ___
――It's okay to specify here as well.
――Thank you for your hard work. Finally start the container. --Here, start nginx and mysql. Make sure the current directory is in laradock.
docker-compose up -d nginx mysql
――This time, I will put in 8 series. --If you like other versions, please check the version specification method.
docker-compose exec workspace composer create-project laravel/laravel ./
--Since you specified ```APP_CODE_PATH_HOST = ../ project name` `` in APP_CODE_PATH_HOST, let's check if the project directory has been created.
ls ..
--Also, let's check the created directory.
ls ../Project name
○ OK if the following is displayed
README.md bootstrap/ config/ phpunit.xml routes/ tests/
app/ composer.json database/ public/ server.php vendor/
artisan* composer.lock package.json resources/ storage/ webpack.mix.js
cd ../Project name
vim .env
--When using mysql
--When using pgsql
--Change DB_HOST from
to laradock_mysql_1
--The host name must be the container name.
--When connecting from a DB client (mysql workbench, table plus, dbeaver, etc.), specify
--Change DB_DATABASE, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD to the values you specified earlier.
--If you follow the article, it's all laravel.
--If it doesn't work, try changing the user and password to root.
cd ../laradock
docker-compose exec workspace php artisan migrate
○ OK if the following is displayed
Nothing to migrate.
-Please complete the docker settings from this article.
--Right-click workspace from Containers on the left side of the image below and select exec.
--Enter fish as you will be prompted to create a new command.
--You can now work with the workspace container in the fish shell.
――Please feel free to comment on any questions or improvements. ――I will reply if you feel like it.
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