[Python] Hit the Google Translation API

A script that translates English sentences into Japanese. It is a class of former code. I created it because the distributed library didn't work well.

You need to get the API Key of Google Cloud. (You can do it right away)


import requests
import json
import time

class GoogleTranslate:
    def __init__(self):
        self.private_key = '<Put the API Key here>'

    def post_text(self,text):
        url_items = 'https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2'
        item_data = {
            'target': 'ja',
            'source': 'en',

        response = requests.post('https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2?key={}'.format(self.private_key), data=item_data)
        return json.loads(response.text)["data"]["translations"][0]["translatedText"]

    def split_and_send_to_post(self,text):
        sen_list = text.split('.')

        to_google_sen = ""
        translated_text = ""

        for index, sen in enumerate(sen_list[:-1]):
            to_google_sen += sen + '. '
            if len(to_google_sen)>1000:
                #Send to google if it exceeds 1000 characters
                translated_text += self.post_text(to_google_sen)

                to_google_sen = ""

            if index == len(sen_list)-2:
                #Translation of the last sentence
                translated_text += self.post_text(to_google_sen)

        return translated_text

    def main(self,text):
        original_text = text
        if original_text[-1] != '.':
            #.If it does not end with, it will interfere with the division process.
        text_translated = self.split_and_send_to_post(original_text)
        return text_translated


from google_translate import *

input_text = input('Please convert to English and enter the word you want to search in Japanese:')
google_tr = GoogleTranslate()
translated = google_tr.main(input_text)


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