・ Those who are building servers or introducing MW with Ansible in the infrastructure department ・ Those who find it troublesome to create inventory files and playbooks
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.box = "bento/centos-6.7"
config.vm.define "dev" do |node|
node.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""
node.vm.synced_folder "/Users/takahirono7/projects/", "/root/project"
Synchronize files between guest OS running on Vagrant and Mac
・ I am a person in the infrastructure department who often checks the requirements around MW, builds, tests, and delivers them according to the requirements of the business side.
・ In my department, I get requirements from development, and based on that, I drop the instance information into a vars file and build it with Ansible. -It is an image to deploy the information for each instance with a vars file as shown below.
The vars file looks like this:
instance_name: 'SAMPLE_InstanceA'
server_name: 'sample.jp'
name: 'apache_user'
chkconfig: false
- 'x-compress Z'
- 'x-gzip gz'
- 'ja .ja'
- 'en .en'
- 'fr .fr'
start_servers: '5'
min_spare_servers: '5'
max_spare_servers: '10'
server_limit: '512'
max_request_workers: '150'
max_connections_perchild: '0'
As mentioned above, the above files are prepared for each instance.
This file is created based on the ** "requirement sheet" ** (excel) passed from the developer in the following format.
Aside from the fact that it is inefficient, isn't it a certain way of building infrastructure?
The actual files are longer and more complex, so creating Vars from them can be a daunting task.
I have created a Python app that ** automates this **.
The premise is that Excel is once replaced with a text file, which is loaded into the app and converted to yaml format vars.
In python, there is an xlrd module as a module that touches Excel. At first, I was trying to implement it with that, but since there was an internal problem such as increasing the columns and rows of Excel at the requester without permission, I chose the implementation to change it to text once.
If the application method is that the Excel sheet is fixed and the number of rows and columns does not increase, I think that it will be easier to implement using the above module.
** Basically, a text file (originally Excel) is stored in a dictionary with a split module for each parameter in python, and finally rendered in a jinja2 template and output **
Since the internal information is deleted from the script, it is impossible to execute it as it is, but I think that you can refer only to the essence m (_ _) m I'm sorry that python is still writing, so it's dirty.
|--hearing_sheets #Place the text file converted by the macro(See below)
| |--Apache.txt #Excel converted text file
|--main.py #Start each module
| |--__init__.py
| |--create_dict_from_apache_sheet.py
| |--common_method.py #Describe common processing
| |--apache_hogehoge_instance.yml #The vars file converted from txt is placed
| |--[template]apache_vars.j2
main.py Call each module
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- mode: python;Encoding: utf8n -*-
### import
import sys
import os
from scripts.create_dict_from_apache_sheet import CreateDictFromApacheSheet
from scripts.common_method import CommonMethod
###Command line argument processing
# $1 = run.py
# $2 =Executable file name
argvs = sys.argv
argc = len(argvs)
if (argc != 2):
'Usage: # python %s filename {dest file name}' % argvs[0])
excelfile = argvs[1]
#File path, common variable definition
script_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
#Reading a text file converted by a macro
apache_file = os.path.join(
script_dir, "hearing_sheets", excelfile)
#Instantiate a method class for common processing
method = CommonMethod()
config_lines = method.open_file(apache_file)
#Get the row containing the instance name and create a list of instances
inst_list_apache = []
for i in config_lines:
if i.find("Instance name") >= 0:
target_instances = method.split_by_tab(inst_list_apache)
print("Number of instances")
print(len(target_instances) - 1)
print("Execute the process for the following instances")
for instance in target_instances[1:]:
#Perform processing for each instance
#Also get the index number using enumerate
print("Start processing")
for index, target_instance_name in enumerate(target_instances[1:]):
print(index, target_instance_name)
apache_dict = CreateDictFromApacheSheet(script_dir)
apache_dict.exec(config_lines, index, target_instance_name)
print("Processing Exit")
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- mode: python;Encoding: utf8n -*-
### importfile
import sys, os, copy, platform, codecs, re, traceback, json # @UnusedImport
from collections import defaultdict
from os.path import join, dirname, abspath, isfile
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from scripts.common_method import CommonMethod
class CreateDictFromApacheSheet(CommonMethod):
def __init__(self, script_dir):
self.script_dir = script_dir
def exec(self, config_lines, index, target_instance_name):
###############File path, common variable definition#############
#Extract the parameters of instance
main_dict_apache = self.extract_instance_params(
#Output vars file
index, target_instance_name, main_dict_apache)
def extract_instance_params(self,
apache_dict = defaultdict(dict)
json_file = os.path.join(self.script_dir, "config.json")
#Read json file
with open(json_file) as f:
json_dict = json.load(f)
apache_dict["instance_name"] = target_instance_name
# config.Store the dictionary stored in json for each parameter
for parameter in json_dict["apache"]["APACHE_INSTANCE"]:
version_list = []
parameter_key = list(parameter.keys())
parameter_value = list(parameter.values())
#Convert to str.If you try to use it as a list, Can't convert error occurs
parameter_key_str = parameter_key[0]
parameter_value_str = parameter_value[0]
for i in config_lines:
if i.find(parameter_key_str) >= 0:
version_params = self.split_by_tab(version_list)
apache_dict[parameter_value_str] = version_params[index + 1]
return apache_dict
#Get the jinja2 template and apache_Render and output the contents of the dict
def output_vars_files(self, index, target_instance_name, main_dict_apache):
template_dir = os.path.join(
self.script_dir, "vars_template", site)
jinja_env = Environment(
trim_blocks=True, loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir))
vars_file = os.path.join(self.script_dir, "output", "instance_%s_%s.yml" %(target_instance_name))
tmpl = jinja_env.get_template("[template]apache_vars.j2")
with open(vars_file, "wb") as f:
[template]apache_vars.j2 It becomes a template for vars. The value of the dictionary created by create_dict_from_apache_sheet.py can be applied to this template.
instance_name: '{{ instance_name }}'
server_name: '{{ server_name }}'
name: '{{ instance_user }}'
chkconfig: false
- 'x-compress Z'
- 'x-gzip gz'
- 'ja .ja'
- 'en .en'
- 'fr .fr'
start_servers: '{{ start_servers }}'
min_spare_servers: '{{ min_spare_servers }}'
max_spare_servers: '{{ max_spare_servers }}'
server_limit: '{{ server_limit }}'
max_request_workers: '{{ max_request_workers }}'
max_connections_perchild: '{{ max_connections_perchild }}'
This file associates the Excel hearing sheet with the key of the dictionary held in the script.
"apache" : {
{"ServerName" : "server_name"},
{"User" : "instance_user"},
{"AddEncoding" : "add_encodings"},
{"AddLanguage" : "add_languages"},
{"StartServers" : "start_servers"},
{"MinSpareServers" : "min_spare_servers"},
{"MaxSpareServers" : "max_spare_servers"},
{"ServerLimit" : "server_limit"},
{"MaxClients (MaxRequestWorkers)" : "max_request_workers"},
{"MaxRequestsPerChild(MaxConnectionsPerChild)" : "max_connections_perchild"}
The specific procedure is as follows.
First, execute the following macro to convert the excel file to text for each sheet. Please note that there is a place in the macro where the path of the local directory is described.
The macro quotes the following article. Thank you m (_ _) m http://d.hatena.ne.jp/minamijoyo/20080124/p1
Sub OutputTEXT()
'Save all active workbook sheets as tab-delimited text
Dim name As String
Dim outdir As String
Dim sheet As Worksheet
'Please specify the discharge destination folder
outdir = "D:\Users\hogehoge\Documents\"
'Hide overwrite warning if data already exists
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For Each sheet In Worksheets
name = outdir & ActiveSheet.name & ".txt"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=name, FileFormat:=xlText, CreateBackup:=False
Next sheet
'Return warning display
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
When you do this, the text will be spit out in the destination folder as below
Instance name SAMPLE_InstanceA SAMPLE_InstanceB SAMPLE_InstanceC
Auto start setting No No No No
ServerName sample.jp sample.jp_B sample.jp_C
User apache_user apache_user apache_user
StartServers 5 5 5
MinSpareServers 5 5 5
MaxSpareServers 10 10 10
ServerLimit 512 512 512
MaxClients (MaxRequestWorkers) 150 150 150
MaxRequestsPerChild(MaxConnectionsPerChild) 0 0 0
Place the above file in the tool's hearing_sheets directory
[root@localhost convert_hearing_sheet_into_vars]# ./main.py apache
Number of Apache instances
Execute the process for the following Apache instance
vars are spit out to the output directory
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