C / C ++ programmer challenges Python (class)

Here has suppressed the basics (probably w), so I would like to work on the class as the next step.


--The declaration is "class Hoge:" --Inheritance is "class Hoge (Base1, Base2):" --The method is the same as the function "def func (self, ...):" --Anyway, the first argument of the method is "self" --The constructor is "def \ _ \ _ init \ _ \ _ (self, ...):" --Class variables can also be defined (in Java style) --Other than that, if you set it in "\ _ \ _ init \ _ \ _ ()", it will be the expected operation. --You can add more and more variables to the object (it feels strange to not declare it) --If you don't set a value for a variable, it's the same as if the variable doesn't exist


--Private functions (variables) are "\ _func ()", with an underscore in front and no underscore in the back. --Static method is defined by " @ static method " --You don't need "self" in the first argument


It seems that there are more functions, but even if you don't remember it for the time being, it seems quite so. I will see it when I need it.

Method name meaning
__init__ constructor
__del__ Destructor
__new__ Instance allocator
__repr__ Returns a string that represents the information of the object
__str__ Converts an object to a string and returns it
__bytes__ Convert object to bytes type and return
__format__ Returns the object as a formatted string
__hash__ Returns the hash value of the object
__bool__ Called during Boolean operation
__lt__ 「<Supports calculation
__le__ 「<=Supports calculation
__eq__ 「==Supports calculation
__ne__ 「!=Supports calculation
__gt__ 「>Supports calculation
__ge__ 「>=Supports calculation
__getattr__ Called when reading an attribute value that is not set in the object (except when it is registered)
__getattribute__ Called (always) when reading an attribute value that is not set on an object
__setattr__ Called when setting the attribute value of an object
__delattr__ Called when deleting an object's attribute value
__dir__ Returns a sequence of a list of members
__index__ Returns an integer value
__add__ 「+Corresponds to the operator (left term)
__sub__ 「-Corresponds to the operator (left term)
__mul__ 「*Corresponds to the operator (left term)
__truediv__ 「/Corresponds to the operator (left term)
__floordiv__ 「//Corresponds to the operator (left term)
__mod__ 「%Corresponds to the operator (left term)
__divmod__ 「divmod()Corresponds to the operator (left term)
__pow__ 「**Corresponds to the operator (left term)
__lshift__ 「<<Corresponds to the operator (left term)
__rshift__ 「>>Corresponds to the operator (left term)
__and__ 「&Corresponds to the operator (left term)
__xor__ 「^Corresponds to the operator (left term)
__or__ Corresponds to the "
__radd__ 「+Corresponds to the operator (right term)
__rsub__ 「-Corresponds to the operator (right term)
__rmul__ 「*Corresponds to the operator (right term)
__rtruediv__ 「/Corresponds to the operator (right term)
__rfloordiv__ 「//Corresponds to the operator (right term)
__rmod__ 「%Corresponds to the operator (right term)
__rdivmod__ 「divmod()Corresponds to the operator (right term)
__rpow__ 「**Corresponds to the operator (right term)
__rlshift__ 「<<Corresponds to the operator (right term)
__rrshift__ 「>>Corresponds to the operator (right term)
__rand__ 「&Corresponds to the operator (right term)
__rxor__ 「^Corresponds to the operator (right term)
__ror__ Corresponds to the "
__iadd__ 「+=Supports cumulative assignment statements
__isub__ 「-=Supports cumulative assignment statements
__imul__ 「*=Supports cumulative assignment statements
__itruediv__ 「/=Supports cumulative assignment statements
__ifloordiv__ 「//=Supports cumulative assignment statements
__imod__ 「%=Supports cumulative assignment statements
__ipow__ 「**=Supports cumulative assignment statements
__ilshift__ 「<<=Supports cumulative assignment statements
__irshift__ 「>>=Supports cumulative assignment statements
__iand__ 「&=Supports cumulative assignment statements
__ixor__ 「^=Supports cumulative assignment statements
__ior__ 「|=Supports cumulative assignment statements
__neg__ 「-Supports unary operators
__pos__ 「+Supports unary operators
__abs__ 「abs()Supports unary operators
__invert__ 「^Supports unary operators
__complex__ complex()Corresponds to
__int__ int()Corresponds to
__float__ float()Corresponds to
__round__ round()Corresponds to
__instancecheck__ Whether the class is a subclass, an instance of a subclass, or an instance of a virtual subclass
__subclasscheck__ Whether the class is a subclass or a virtual subclass
__call__ 「()Corresponds to the function call operator
__len__ len()Corresponds to
__getitem__ object[key]Corresponding to acquisition in
__setitem__ object[key]Corresponds to the setting of
__delitem__ del object[key]Corresponds to
__iter__ Get an iterator
__reversed__ reversed()Corresponds to
__contains__ Supports acquisition by "item in object"
__get__ Get attribute value with descriptor
__set__ Set attribute value in descriptor
__delete__ Delete attribute value in descriptor
__enter__ Called with with statement in context manager
__exit__ Called at the end of the execution context in the context manager

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