[Python] Road to snake charmer (3) Python class

This is a training to become a data scientist using Python. The one that controls the type does the main class of Python by controlling everything.

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Python's main classes

class Description Classification Instance example
object object type object object()
bool Logical type Logical value True, False
int Integer type Numerical value 26, 0b11010, 0o32, 0x1a
float Floating point type Numerical value 3.1415, 1.5e-3, 1/2
complex Complex type Numerical value 1j, 1.1+2.3j
tuple Tuple type sequence (), (1,), (True,False)
list List type sequence [],[1], [True,False]
str String type sequence 'man',"man",'Man',"Man"
bytes Byte string type sequence b'man', b'¥xe4¥xba¥xba'
bytearray Byte array type sequence bytearray(b'man')
range Range type Iterator range(1,10,2)
dict Dictionary type mapping {}, {'y':2014,'m':12,'d':25}
set Collective type set {1,3,5,7,9}
function Functional type function lambda x:x**2

How to check the class

Use type ().

In [1]: type('man')
Out[1]: str

Alternatively, use ʻis instance ()`.

In [2]: isinstance('man', str)
Out[2]: True

In [3]: isinstance('man', bytes)
Out[3]: False

ʻIs instance (x, X)is True even iftype (x)is a subclass ofX`. That is, all classes are subclasses of the object class.

In [4]: isinstance('man', object)
Out[4]: True

In [5]: issubclass(str, object)
Out[5]: True

Class conversion (cast)

Generally, it can be converted by putting the conversion source in the first argument of the conversion destination class.

In [6]: float(1) #int to float
Out[6]: 1.0

In [7]: int(-1.9) #float to int
Out[7]: -1

In [8]: complex(0) #int to complex
Out[8]: 0j

In [9]: list((1, 2, 3)) #tuple to list
Out[9]: [1, 2, 3]

In [10]: tuple([1, 2, 3]) #list to tuple
Out[10]: (1, 2, 3)

In [11]: list(range(5)) #range to list
Out[11]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

In [12]: list('abc') #str to list
Out[12]: ['a', 'b', 'c']

bool True and false of bool class (logical type) are represented by True, False. Operators for negation, conjunction and disjunction are not, ʻand, ʻor.

In [13]: not True, True and True, True or False
Out[13]: (False, True, True) 

All objects can be cast to bool. In Python, conversion to implicit logical types is done in various situations, such as conditional statements.

In [14]: bool(0), bool(0.1), bool(()), bool([]), bool({}), bool({0})
Out[14]: (False, True, False, False, True)

The logical product and OR of integers returns the last integer in the evaluation procedure. In [16] is the logical product and OR of each bit of an integer.

In [15]: 3 and 6, 3 or 6, 1 and 0 
Out[15]: (6, 3, 0)

In [16]: 3 & 6, 3 | 6
Out[16]: (2, 7)

int, float

There is no upper limit to the int type.

In [26]: 10 ** 30
Out[26]: 1000000000000000000000000000000

10 / 5 becomes float, 10 // 5 becomes ʻint`.

In [27]: 10 / 5, 10 // 5
Out[27]: (2.0, 2)

Seeking quotient and remainder.

In [28]: 10 // 3, 10 % 3 
Out[28]: (3, 1)

list, tuple --list can change elements and subsequences --tuple cannot be changed

list Generate list

In [29]: a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

You can refer to it by index. You can refer to the end of the list with -1.

In [30]: a[0], a[-1]
Out[30]: (10, 50)

Of course you can change it.

In [31]: a[0], a[-1] = 11,51

You can use a function called slicing for sequences.

#String object[Starting index:End index]
In [32]: a[1:4]
Out[32]: [20, 30, 40]

You can specify a step in the third argument of the slice. If you use this, you can skip the specified number and refer to it.

In [33]: a[::2]
Out[33]: [11, 30, 51]

tuple Generate tuple

In [33]: a = (10,20,30,40,50)

You can also refer to tuple by index. The () in tuple can be omitted unless misinterpreted.

In [34]: a[0], a[-1]
Out[34]: (10, 50)

The change will result in an error.

In [35]: a[0] = 11
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-45-1ffcdc5ca638> in <module>()
----> 1 a[0]=11

TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

Can be combined.

In [36]: a, b = (1,2),(True,'Japan',(None,'dog'))

In [37]: a + b
Out[37]: (1, 2, True, 'Japan', (None, 'dog'))

Cannot be added.

In [38]: a.append(10)
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-52-fb2e87d24477> in <module>()
----> 1 a.append(10)

AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'append'

The significance of tuple's existence

You might think that you just restricted it to list, but tuple has the following meanings.

--Can be the key of dict (dictionary) --Because it is not mutable, it can be processed faster than list. --tuple originally meant to" simply "combine multiple objects into one

str, bytes, bytearray str (string) always means Unicode. In contrast, bytes and bytearray are simple byte sequences. The difference between bytes and bytearray is the same as the difference between tuple and list.

The reference method of the character string is basically the same as list and tuple.

In [53]: a, b = 'ABCDE','FG'

In [54]: a[0],a[-1],a[-2],a[1:4]
Out[54]: ('A', 'E', 'D', 'BCD')

You can include line breaks with triple quotes.

In [55]: s = '''
   ....: #include <stdio.h>
   ....: int main(){
   ....:   printf("hello world\n");
   ....:   return 0;
   ....: }
   ....: '''

In [56]: s
Out[56]: '\n #include <stdio.h>\n int main(){\n printf("hello world\n");\n return 0;\n}\n'


In list, index was an integer starting from 0, but in dict (dictionary type), integers, strings, tuples, etc. can be used as the key corresponding to this index.

In [61]: exts={'py':'Python','rb':'Ruby','pl':'Perl'}

In [62]: for key in exts:
   ....:     value=exts[key]
   ....:     print(key,value)
pl Perl
py Python
rb Ruby

You can retrieve the key and value together using ʻitems ()`.

In [63]: for key,value in exts.items():
   ....:     print(key,value)
pl Perl
py Python
rb Ruby

Use in to see if the key is included in the dict.

In [64]:  'py' in exts, 'c' in exts
Out[64]: (True, False)

** NEXT ** → [Python] Road to a snake charmer (4) Tweaking Numpy

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