[PYTHON] Web scraping of comedy program information and notification on LINE


スクリーンショット 2019-12-17 15.24.37.png

There are so many specials for comedy shows! However, because it is a special program, it is broadcast suddenly, so it is easy to miss it.

Since we are recording on the HDD, there is no function that automatically records the comedy genre.

When I missed my favorite comedy show, I was just sad ...

Here is what I made there!


Comedy information comes to me every morning at 6 o'clock. Now you won't miss a prize race or special.

Source code

It is open source. https://github.com/souring001/owarai-info

It can be used not only on LINE but also on Slack.

Web scraping

I decided to get information from the comedy genre of G Guide TV Kingdom.


I am notified by running the program every morning at 6 o'clock from my Raspberry Pi at home.

Notify by LINE

If you issue a token with LINE Notify, you can be notified with the following code. Enter the message you want to send in message.

line_notify_url = 'https://notify-api.line.me/api/notify'

headers = {"Authorization" : "Bearer "+ line_notify_token}
payload = {'message' :  message}

r = requests.post(line_notify_url, headers=headers, params=payload)

Notify with Slack

By using Slack's Incoming Webhook, you can be notified with the following code. Put the message you want to send in text.

slack_url = 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
slack = slackweb.Slack(url=slack_url)

slack.notify(text=text, username='owarai-info')


At the end

I'm looking forward to this year's M-1! It's from 6:34 pm on Sunday, December 22nd! !! !! (The sound of SECCON and exploding)

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