Mock in python-how to use mox

I want to make a mock for a class I haven't made yet

If you want to create the control side for the time being, you can postpone the model creation.

import unittest

class TestLoginMethod(unittest.TestCase)

    def test_login_returns_true(self):
        m = mox.Mox()
        user = m.CreateMockAnything() #Intention of User model class to be created in the future
        user.account().AndReturn("norobust") #Return the account name for the time being
        l = Login() #Login class to be developed
        l.user = user #Pass a mock so that it can be referenced from within the Login class

        m.ReplayAll() #start mox!
        self.assertTrue(l.login()) #Login test!
        m.VerifyAll() #mox result check!

VerifyAll with mox to check if the method you set up (user.account () in this case) was called.

I want to make a mock of a class that already exists

When the above test is over and the User class is complete, stop CreateMockAnything and Just make it m.CreateMock (User).

I want to replace the method and pass dummy data (mock)

In the above case, it is `l.user = user```, but in reality, write something like `self.user = get_user_by_id (1) ``` inside Login.login (). I think you will get a user model. If get_user_by_id is really called, you can't pass the User mock you created. In this case, instead of mocking the Login class, you only need to stub get_user_by_id ().

import unittest

class TestLoginMethod(unittest.TestCase)

    def test_login_returns_true(self):
        m = mox.Mox()
        user = m.CreateMockAnything() #User model I haven't made yet ...
        user.account().AndReturn("norobust") #Return the account name for the time being
        l = Login() #Login class to be developed
        m.StubOutWithMock(Login, 'get_user_by_id') #Stub
        Login.get_user_by_id().AndReturn(user) #Set the return value of the stubbed function

        m.ReplayAll() #start mox!
        self.assertTrue(l.login()) #Login test!
        m.VerifyAll() #mox result check!

Be careful


  1. CreateMockAnything is good for writing rough implementation code, such as starting to write code
  2. I don't like CreateMockAnything, so I'll add a test with CreateMock.
  3. With CreateMock, you need to actually write the class, so write the required class
  4. Aim for completion with StubOutWithMock to stack implementations in more detail
  5. If you notice it, it's completed ( ̄ ー  ̄)

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