Python --Differential equation numerical solution Euler method & central difference method & Runge-Kutta method

The Euler method, the central difference method, and the Runge-Kutta method are used to calculate the solution of the following ordinary differential equations.


General solution


Euler method

Taylor expansion of $ x (t + Δt) $


If $ O (Δt ^ 2) $ is truncated as a truncation error


Then, the method of sequentially calculating $ x $ at $ t + Δt $ using $ x $ at $ t $.

The algorithm is

  1. Give initial values to $ t and x $.
  2. Find $ x $ at $ t + Δt $ by equation (1).
  3. Repeat range 2 you want to calculate.

·Source code

import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def f(t):
    return math.cos(t)

DELTA_T = 0.001
MAX_T = 100.0

t = 0.0 #t initial value
x = 0.0 # t=X at 0

x_hist = [x]
t_hist = [t]

#Sequential calculation
while t < MAX_T:
    x += f(t)*DELTA_T
    t += DELTA_T

#Numerical solution plot
plt.plot(t_hist, x_hist)

#Exact solution(sin(t))Plot
t = np.linspace(0, MAX_T, 1/DELTA_T)
x = np.sin(t)
plt.plot(t, x)

plt.xlim(0, MAX_T)
plt.ylim(-1.3, 1.3)


Δt=0.01 euler_delta_00.1.png

Δt=0.001 euler_delta_000.1.png

Central difference method

Taylor expansion of $ x (t + Δt) $ and $ x (t-Δt) $


①-② and truncating $ O (Δt ^ 3) $


If you replace it with $ t + Δt $ ⇒ $ t $


When $ x $ at $ t-2Δt $ is known, the method of sequentially calculating $ x $ at $ t $ by equation (3).

·Source code

import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def f(t):
    return math.cos(t)

DELTA_T = 0.001
MAX_T = 100.0

t = 0.0 #t initial value
x = 0.0 # t=X at 0

x_hist = [x]
t_hist = [t]

while t < MAX_T:
    x += 2*f(t-DELTA_T)*DELTA_T
    t += 2*DELTA_T

#Numerical solution plot
plt.plot(t_hist, x_hist)

#Exact solution(sin(t))Plot
t = np.linspace(0, MAX_T, 1/DELTA_T)
x = np.sin(t)
plt.plot(t, x)

plt.xlim(0, MAX_T)
plt.ylim(-1.3, 1.3)


Δt=0.01 central_diff_delta_00.1.png

Δt=0.001 central_diff_delta_000.1.png

4th order Runge-Kutta method

k_2&=&Δtf(t+\frac{Δt}{2}, x(t)+\frac{k_1}{2})\\
k_3&=&Δtf(t+\frac{Δt}{2}, x(t)+\frac{k_2}{2})\\
k_4&=&Δtf(t+Δt, x(t)+k_3)\\

By, $ x $ at $ t + Δt $ is calculated sequentially using $ x $ at $ t $.

When $ f (t, x) = f (t) $, from $ k_2 = k_3 $


The error contained in $ x (t + Δt) $ is $ O (Δt ^ 5) $

·Source code

import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def f(t):
    return math.cos(t)

DELTA_T = 0.001
MAX_T = 100.0

t = 0.0 #t initial value
x = 0.0 # t=X at 0

x_hist = [x]
t_hist = [t]

#Sequential calculation
while t < MAX_T:
    k1 = DELTA_T*f(t)
    k2 = DELTA_T*f(t+DELTA_T/2)
    k3 = DELTA_T*f(t+DELTA_T/2)
    k4 = DELTA_T*f(t+DELTA_T)
    x += (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)/6
    t += DELTA_T
#Numerical solution plot
plt.plot(t_hist, x_hist)

#Exact solution(sin(t))Plot
t = np.linspace(0, MAX_T, 1/DELTA_T)
x = np.sin(t)
plt.plot(t, x)

plt.xlim(0, MAX_T)
plt.ylim(-1.3, 1.3)


Δt=0.001 runge_delta_00.1.png

Δt=0.001 runge_delta_000.1.png

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