It's just now, but a collection of commands that frequently appear in Rails


Every time I created an application, I checked the curriculum, so I'll summarize it here for you to remember.

Create a new application

rails new application name-option

You can also specify the rails version before new. ex)_6.0.0_ A database management system can be specified as an option. ex)-mysql

Creating a new database

rails db:create

Server startup

rails s

You can do it in another tab with command + T. Stop the server with "control + C".

Controller generation

rails g controller controller name (plural)

By leaving a space after the controller name and adding the action name, it is generated with the action described in the controller.

Model generation

rails g model model name (singular)

Check routing

rails routes

Check the URI, path, and action.

Create table

rails db:migrate

After modifying the migration file, execute it.

Send back the migration file

rails db:rollback

When you want to modify the migration file, you need to send it back once.

Check the migration status

rails db:migrate:status

Check if the migration has been completed. up or down

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