[Github] Summary of commands often used during development

How to make a branch

$ git checkout develop

$ git checkout -b Branch name to create

$ git push -u origin Created branch name

How to create a pull request

  1. Execute the following command.

$ git add .

$ git commit -m "Commit content"

$ git push origin develop
  1. Click the green Compare & pull request button in the upper right.

  2. Fill in the pull request details.

  3. Check which branch you want to pull request from.

-Example- Pull request from develop branch to sample branch

sample ... develop

  1. Press the "Create pull request" button to create a Pull Request.

When you want to reflect the latest information locally

  1. Execute the following command with commit and push completed.

git checkout develop

git pull origin develop

git checkout development branch

git merge origin develop
  1. If a conflict occurs, do the following:

#After resolving the conflict content,
$ git add .

$ git commit -m "Commit content"

$git push origin development branch

$ git merge origin develop

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