[PYTHON] Technical English> you use the boolean operators [and, or, and not] to ...> Boolean Operations — and, or, not

@ Introducing Python: Modern Computing in Simple Packages by Bill Lubanovic (No. 2023 / 12833)

you use the boolean operators and, or, and not to ...

Is the second and the and of ʻA, B, and C`? (A = and, B = or, C = not) Free translation "using the bool operators and, or and not ..." (Question: Can and, or, not be considered bool operators)

(Addition 2017/03/01) https://docs.python.org/2/library/stdtypes.html

5.2. Boolean Operations — and, or, not

Or count from boolean operators and see as ʻA, and, B, and C`. (A = boolean operators, B = or, C = not) Free translation "using bool operator and or and not ..."

We often see the former (A, B, and C) used as English grammar.

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