[PYTHON] The strongest way to use MeCab and CaboCha with Google Colab

I don't know if it's actually the strongest, but the way I think it's this

It works by copying to the code cell of Google Colab (probably). It will take some time for make, so let's have a cup of coffee and wait ☕️

Gist source code


#mecab and mecab-Install python3 dependencies
apt-get install mecab swig libmecab-dev mecab-ipadic-utf8
# mecab-python installation
pip install mecab-python3

#crfpp download(cabocha dependencies)
curl -sL -o CRF++-0.58.tar.gz "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0B4y35FiV1wh7QVR6VXJ5dWExSTQ"
tar -zxf CRF++-0.58.tar.gz
#crfpp installation
cd CRF++-0.58
./configure && make && make install && ldconfig
cd ..

#cabocha download
curl -sc /tmp/cookie ${url} >/dev/null
code="$(awk '/_warning_/ {print $NF}' /tmp/cookie)"
curl -sLb /tmp/cookie ${url}"&confirm=${code}" -o cabocha-0.69.tar.bz2
tar -jxf cabocha-0.69.tar.bz2
#cabocha installation
cd cabocha-0.69
./configure -with-charset=utf-8 && make && make check && make install && ldconfig
# cabocha-python installation
pip install python/
cd ..

Operation verification

mecab -v
pip show mecab-python3 | grep -e Name -e Version && echo
cabocha -v && echo
pip show cabocha-python | grep -e Name -e Version 


mecab of 0.996

Name: mecab-python3
Version: 0.996.5

cabocha of 0.69

Name: cabocha-python
Version: 0.69
import MeCab
tagger = MeCab.Tagger()
print(tagger.parse("The customer next door is a customer who often eats persimmons"))


Neighboring noun,General,*,*,*,*,next to,Tonari,Tonari
Customer noun,General,*,*,*,*,Customer,Cuck,Cuck
Is a particle,Particle,*,*,*,*,Is,C,Wow
Often adverbs,General,*,*,*,*,Often,Yoku,Yoku
Persimmon noun,General,*,*,*,*,persimmon,Oyster,Oyster
Eating verb,Independence,*,*,Godan / Wa line reminder,Uninflected word,Eat,Ku,Ku
Customer noun,General,*,*,*,*,Customer,Cuck,Cuck
Auxiliary verb,*,*,*,Special,Uninflected word,Is,Da,Da
import CaboCha
cp = CaboCha.Parser()
print(cp.parseToString("The customer next door is a customer who often eats persimmons"))


next to-D        
Often---D |
persimmon-D |
It's a customer

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