Automatically organized mp3s downloaded from Google Play Music using Python


The news that Google Play Music will end at the end of December has been announced. Purchased and uploaded songs can be transferred to YouTube music as they are, but I do not know when the service will end, so I decided to back it up to the local environment just in case. When I downloaded the songs, all the data was downloaded all at once in the same folder, so I decided to use Python to divide the songs into folders for each "artist name" and "album name". Even a programming amateur like me seems to be able to do this kind of thing.


The songs were downloaded according to the following page.

Folder hierarchy

The folder hierarchy is set as follows.

Root ├ Artist A │ └ Album name │ └ Music_1.mp3 │ └ Music_2.mp3 ├ Artist B ├ Artist C

I referred to here for how to fill in the directory configuration diagram.

Get mp3 tag information

Use ʻEasyID3` to get the tag information included in mp3 such as song name, artist name, album name. I referred to this site.

Completed code

Suddenly, the completed code is as follows.

from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3
import os
import shutil
import re

def replace(string):
    return(re.sub(r'[\\/:*?"<>|]+', '-', string))

def arrange_data(mp3_path):
    tags = EasyID3(mp3_path)
        artistname = (tags['albumartist'])
    except KeyError:
        artistname = (tags['artist'])
    albumname = (tags['album'])
    artistname = replace(artistname[0]).strip()
    albumname = replace(albumname[0]).strip()
    title = os.path.basename(mp3_path)
    artist_dir = os.path.join(globalpath, artistname)
    album_dir = os.path.join(artist_dir, albumname)
    new_mp3_path = os.path.join(album_dir, title)
    if not artistname in artist_list:
        if not os.path.isdir(artist_dir):
    if not albumname in album_list:
        if not os.path.isdir(album_dir):
        shutil.copyfile(mp3_path, new_mp3_path)
        print(title + " is done.")
    except shutil.SameFileError:
        print(title + " is already exists.")

def data_check(file_list, path):
    for i in file_list:
        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, i)):
            new_path = os.path.join(path, i)
            new_file_list = os.listdir(new_path)
            data_check(new_file_list, new_path)
            arrange_data(os.path.join(path, i))

globalpath = r"Folder containing songs"
file_list = os.listdir(globalpath)
album_list = []
artist_list = []

data_check(file_list, globalpath)

The point that got caught

KeyError: occurs

There are invalid characters \ /: *?" <> | Cannot be used as file names on Windows, but there were multiple artist names and album names that contained invalid characters. This isre.sub I usedto replace invalid characters with _.

There is a space in the directory path

If there is a space at the end of the artist name or album name, the actual folder name and folder path do not match, resulting in a read error. This was solved using .strip ().

feat. Problem

For songs whose artist name is something like "feat. 〇〇" and it is difficult to sort by artist name, I used the album artist name. Songs with an album artist name will be given priority, and songs without an album artist name will use the artist name.

in conclusion

I was able to organize the data safely. It would be convenient if you could use Python even a little. It seems that some songs do not work properly, but I am happy because I was able to process all the local data.

Thank you very much!

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