[Python] Creating a tool that can list, select, and execute python files with tkinter & about the part that got caught

1. About this article


I recently made some tools implemented in python. Since it is now possible to start from the console or double-click, I wanted to set it as a windows shortcut (described later) so that it could be started conveniently (I plan to create a scraping tool soon, so to prepare for it).

However, if you set a shortcut for each file with the extension py, it may cause batting and inadvertent startup. I decided to create a GUI tool that can be executed by listing the python files under the set folder and selecting from them.

I heard that there is a convenient library called tkinter for GUI creation of python, so I will use it.


A file with the extension py or pyw is associated with python.exe (or pythonw.exe). What is an association? → http://www.first-pclife.com/pckiso/kanrenduketoha.html

[* The latest tools and source code are posted on GitHub (described later)](at the end of # 5)

2. What you want to do

-Recursively searches python files under the specified folder and stores them in a data type such as a list. -Create a GUI that lists and displays data in a table -Implement a function that executes the file selected from the table -Set the tool with the above conditions as a windows shortcut so that it can be started.

3. Tools / environment used

・ Windows 10 -Python 3.7.0

4. Created code and explanation


It looks like this when started.

Pythonプログラム実行アシスト 2020_01_02 9_18_02 - コピー.png

Execute the specified python file by pressing the execute button (same behavior as double-click startup).



import glob
import os
import subprocess
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk

def main():
    #Creating a root frame
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title(u"Python program execution assist")
    #Root window size setting

    #Set selectable python file as dictionary value
    #All python files directly under the specified folder (search recursively)
    myPath = r'C:\Users\UserName\Test\ToolBox'
    myDic = {}
    if os.path.isdir(myPath):
        for file in glob.glob(myPath + '\\**', recursive=True):
            nameRoot, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))
            if os.path.isfile(file) and ext in ('.py', '.pyw') and nameRoot != '__init__':
                myDic[os.path.abspath(file)] = os.path.basename(file)

    #Frame setting
    frame1 = ttk.Frame(root, width=1200, height=300, padding=10)
    frame1.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)

    # //////Tree view settings
    tree = ttk.Treeview(frame1, height=8, selectmode="browse")

    #Create column index
    tree["columns"] = (1, 2)

    #Table style settings
    tree["show"] = "headings"

    #Settings for each column
    tree.column(1, width=250)
    tree.column(2, width=1000)

    #Header settings for each column
    tree.heading(1, text="file name")
    tree.heading(2, text="path")

    #Create record
    for k, v in sorted(myDic.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]):
        tree.insert("", "end", values=(str(v), str(k)))

    #Arrangement of tree view
    tree.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=tk.N + tk.S + tk.E + tk.W)
    # //////////////////////

    #Scrollbar settings
    hscrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(frame1, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, command=tree.xview)
    vscrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(frame1, orient=tk.VERTICAL, command=tree.yview)
    vscrollbar.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=1, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=tk.NS)
    hscrollbar.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=1, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=tk.EW)

    #Creating a button
    button = tk.Button(text="Run", command=lambda: RunPythonFile(root, tree))
    #Button placement
    button.grid(padx=5, pady=5, )


def RunPythonFile(root, tree):
    #Get the file path selected from the table
    selectedItems = tree.selection()
    filePath = tree.item(selectedItems[0])['values'][1]

    #Frame close

    #py file call execution
    subprocess.check_call(['python', filePath])

if __name__ == '__main__':


for file in glob.glob(myPath + '\\**', recursive=True):

Recursive search can be implemented quite easily by using the glob method. When using, add ** to the path of the parent folder and set recursive to true.

if os.path.isfile(file) and ext in ('.py', '.pyw') and nameRoot != '__init__':

Exclude folders and extract only those with the extension py or pyw. I don't need init.py, so I'll remove it.

tree = ttk.Treeview(frame1, height=8, selectmode="browse")

Since it works with the scroll bar, it is a child object of the frame object. Setting selectmode = "browse" is convenient because you can select only one item from the created table.

    for k, v in sorted(myDic.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]):
        tree.insert("", "end", values=(str(v), str(k)))

Loop to the ascending sort of value (return value is list) The item is being taken out. I used this as a reference. https://qiita.com/shizuma/items/40f1fe4702608db40ac3

button = tk.Button(text="Run", command=lambda: RunPythonFile(root, tree))

If you do not bite the anonymous function lambda (when you specify the function directly in command), the function will be executed when the GUI is displayed, so it is NG.

filePath = tree.item(selectedItems[0])['values'][1]

All selected items The first item in selectedItems is the item actually selected. If there are multiple selections, there are also after [1], but since select mode = "browse" is set, only one. ['values'] [1] extracts the file path from the list of values (file name and file path).

The part that got caught

    #Scrollbar settings
    hscrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(frame1, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, command=tree.xview)
    vscrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(frame1, orient=tk.VERTICAL, command=tree.yview)
    vscrollbar.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=1, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=tk.NS)
    hscrollbar.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=1, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=tk.EW)

Setting up the scrollbar was pretty hard. At first I used the pack () method to place each component, That just doesn't work.

Then I tried the gird () method. However, after all it shifts (x-axis scrolling works but y-axis does not work. → y-axis works but x-axis works ...)

Finally, I found the following article. [Python 3.x --python ttk treeview does not change background color | teratail](https://ja.stackoverflow.com/questions/56104/treeview%E5%86%85%E3%83%AA%E3% 82% B9% E3% 83% 88% E3% 82% 92% E5% 9B% BA% E5% AE% 9A% E5% B9% 85% E3% 81% AB% E3% 81% 97-% E6% A8 % AA% E3% 82% B9% E3% 82% AF% E3% 83% AD% E3% 83% BC% E3% 83% AB% E3% 83% 90% E3% 83% BC% E3% 82% 92 % E6% 9C% 89% E5% 8A% B9% E3% 81% AB% E3% 81% 97% E3% 81% 9F% E3% 81% 84)

I referred to this and managed to implement it as follows and it worked.

    #Frame setting
    frame1 = ttk.Frame(root, width=1200, height=300, padding=10)
    frame1.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)

If anyone knows how to implement it well with the pack method, please let me know.

windows shortcut registration

① Store the shortcut of CallPythonFile.py in the following folder

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

② Right-click on the shortcut to Specify your favorite key in the "Shortcut key" item.

③ Press the key and check that the GUI is displayed.

5. At the end

Click here for the latest tools and source code ↓ https://github.com/dede-20191130/CreateToolAndTest/tree/master/Tool_Python/CallPythonFile

Please comment if you have any supplements.

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