[PYTHON] Created a module to monitor file and URL updates

mdfmonitor-Monitor file and URL updates


** mdfmonitor ** is a Python module that uses file timestamps and URL Data headers to monitor file and URL updates.

mdfmonitor contains:


FileModificationMonitor (hereafter referred to as "monitor") monitors ** files ** for updates.

Monitor has a repository with ** timestamp data ** of the file and ** data of the contents of the file **. First of all, insert the original time stamp data and the data of the contents of the file. Next, get the new time stamp data and the contents data of the file, ** compare ** these old data and new data, and if they are different, consider it as ** update ** and make it an object yield. To do.

How to use

It's simple to use.

  1. ʻimport` the module
  2. Create an instance of FileModificationMonitor
  3. Register the file
  4. The monitor method starts monitoring and returns an object, so use the for statement to draw the process.

import os
from mdfmonitor import FileModificationMonitor

files = os.listdir(".") # >>> ['sample.txt', 'sample.py']

# create Watcher instnce
monitor = FileModificationMonitor()

# append file to mdfmonitor instance

# or 
# append files to mdfmonitor instance

for mdf in monitor.monitor():
    print mdf.file.center(30, "=")
    print "Catch the Modification!!"
    print "Old timestamp: %s" % mdf.old_mtime
    print "New timestamp: %s" % mdf.new_mtime
    print "manager: %s" % str(mdf.manager.o_repository)
    print "Diff".center(30,"=")
    print mdf.diff


URLModificationMonitor (also called "monitor") can monitor URL content updates.

The structure of Monitor is almost the same as FileModificationMonitor. The difference is that it uses the ** Date ** header that comes with the Response header of the URL to find updates, not the timestamp data.

How to use

This is about the same.

  1. ʻimport` the module
  2. Create an instance of ʻURLModificationMonitor`
  3. Register the URL
  4. The monitor method starts monitoring and returns an object, so use the for statement to draw the process.

import os
from mdfmonitor import URLModificationMonitor

files = os.listdir(".") # >>> ['sample.txt', 'sample.py']

# create Watcher instnce
monitor = URLModificationMonitor()

# append file to mdfmonitor instance

for mdf in monitor.monitor():
    print mdf.url.center(30, "=")
    print "Catch the Modification!!"
    print "Old timestamp: %s" % mdf.old_dtime
    print "New timestamp: %s" % mdf.new_dtime
    print "manager: %s" % str(mdf.manager.o_repository)
    print "Diff".center(30,"=")
    print mdf.diff

Strengths of mdfmonitor

① Difference Both ** FileModificationMonitor ** and ** URLModificationMonitor ** yield an object called ** ModificationObject **, but this object has new Body data and old data, and based on that, it's called ** diff **. Generates a diff string. (I'm using a module called difflib in Python)

ModificationObjectManager History is an integral part of updates, isn't it? ** ModificationObjectManager ** is a class that saves its history. The update object is inserted in the array called o_repository of Manager, and that array becomes the update history as it is.

Installation method

Since it is a Python module, you can use pip and ʻeasy_install`.

``shell $ sudo easy_install mdfmonitor

Or`git`Please use

$ git clone https://github.com/alice1017/mdfmonitor.git
$ cd mdfmonitor
$ sudo pyton setup.py build install


MIT license


That's why I introduced mdfmonitor. When I searched for it on PYPI, there weren't many modules like this, so I made it again. The terrible English in the README and docstring is by design.

If you say "it is better to design like this" or "there is a bug", please pull or comment on github.

##What you can do with mdfmonitor

Since mdfmonitor is a script that monitors file updates, gitFor those who manage the version with, it is automaticaddAnd automaticcommitCan be implemented.

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