[PYTHON] How to uniquely identify the source of access in the Django Generic Class View

2020-04-08 Created: windows10 / Python-3.8.2-amd64 / Django-3.0.4

Logging the source IP address isn't enough for Django to analyze user behavior. To uniquely identify a user, it's easy to log who accessed it on the HTTP server.

Customize the response headers to keep the Django user ID in the HTTP server logs. Here's how to add the Django user ID to the request headers in the generic class view.

reference https://blog.howtelevision.co.jp/entry/2014/09/05/170917

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Define a view class with a response header added

Add the response header userid you want to add to the generic view class.


class CustomListView(generic.ListView):
    def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs):
        response = super().dispatch(*args, **kwargs)
        response['userid'] = self.request.user
        return response

Define the view class to actually call

Instead of inheriting ListView, inherit CustomListView and declare the actual view class to use.


from .custom_views import *
from .models import MyClass
from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin

class MemoListView(LoginRequiredMixin, CustomListView):
    model = MyClass

The same can be done with other view classes as well as ListView.

If you change the settings of an HTTP server such as Nginx and leave the newly created response header in the log, the access source will be recorded in the log.

The end

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