Build a bulletin board API with authentication authorization in Rails 6 # 5 controller, routes implementation

Building a bulletin board API with certification authorization with Rails 6 # 4 post validation, test implementation

Make a controller

Since I made a model last time, I will implement a controller this time.

$ rails g controller v1/posts

When executed, a controller and request spec file will be generated.

For the time being, implement the controller as follows.


# frozen_string_literal: true

module V1
  #  post controller
  class PostsController < ApplicationController
    before_action :set_post, only: %i[show update destroy]

    def index
      # TODO

    def show
      # TODO

    def create
      # TODO

    def update
      # TODO

    def destroy
      # TODO


    def set_post
      @post = Post.find(params[:id])

    def post_params
      params.permit(:subject, :body)

Create a controller according to CRUD once without logic. In addition, cutting the namespace called V1 is a method often used in API development. This makes it easier to separate and develop when making version 2 that is not backward compatible.

Then set the routes.


 # frozen_string_literal: true

 Rails.application.routes.draw do
+   namespace "v1" do
+     resources :posts
+   end

This will set the CRUD routes. Let's check.

$ rails routes
                               Prefix Verb   URI Pattern                                                                              Controller#Action
                             v1_posts GET    /v1/posts(.:format)                                                                      v1/posts#index
                                      POST   /v1/posts(.:format)                                                                      v1/posts#create
                              v1_post GET    /v1/posts/:id(.:format)                                                                  v1/posts#show
                                      PATCH  /v1/posts/:id(.:format)                                                                  v1/posts#update
                                      PUT    /v1/posts/:id(.:format)                                                                  v1/posts#update
                                      DELETE /v1/posts/:id(.:format)                                                                  v1/posts#destroy

Implementation of index test

As usual, implement the test first. As a behavior

I will go. I won't include a pager for a tutorial on a simple test application, but maybe I'll write an article in the future.


# frozen_string_literal: true

require "rails_helper"

RSpec.describe "V1::Posts", type: :request do
  describe "GET /v1/posts#index" do
    before do
      create_list(:post, 3)
    it "Normal response code is returned" do
      get v1_posts_url
      expect(response.status).to eq 200
    it "The number is returned correctly" do
      get v1_posts_url
      json = JSON.parse(response.body)
      expect(json["posts"].length).to eq(3)
    it "Responses are returned in descending order of id" do
      get v1_posts_url
      json = JSON.parse(response.body)
      first_id = json["posts"][0]["id"]
      expect(json["posts"][1]["id"]).to eq(first_id - 1)
      expect(json["posts"][2]["id"]).to eq(first_id - 2)

In other words, to summarize the behavior, LINE 10: it "Normal response code is returned" Block start LINE 8: 3 posts are saved LINE 11: Make a get request to v1_posts_url (v1 / posts / index) LINE 12: Response code is: ok (200 normal) LINE 13: it "Normal response code is returned" Block end. Rolled back to 0 post records LINE 14: it "The number is returned correctly" Block start LINE 8: 3 posts are saved LINE 15: Make a get request to v1_posts_url (v1 / posts / index) LINE 16: Convert response.body to JSON.parse and convert to Ruby array LINE 17: Response post is 3 records LINE 18: it "The number is returned correctly" Block end. Rolled back to 0 post records ↓ ...

It will be.

At this point, the controller is not implemented, so of course the test is moss.

Strictly speaking, the final test requires a comparison of created_at, but a simple comparison is made by id. Originally, you should also test limit, but omit it. If you're curious, try implementing a test that makes 21 create_lists and confirms that only 20 are returned.


By the way, I will introduce the factoryBot method that I often use.

Add to hosts

In addition, the requests test requires the following measures.


     config.hosts << ""
+    config.hosts << ""

This is because rspec tests are recognized as requests from

Implementation of index


     def index
-      # TODO
+      posts = Post.order(created_at: :desc).limit(20)
+      render json: { posts: posts }

Now you can get the list. I will try to hit the API with curl.

$ curl localhost:8080/v1/posts

If you get empty data, try creating a post record from rails c.

Once you've done that, don't forget to run rubocop or rspec, then git commit.


Building a bulletin board API with authentication authorization in Rails 6 # 6 show, create implementation

[To the serial table of contents]

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