[Introduction to Python3 Day 1] Programming and Python

What is programming?

The work of creating commands that you want your computer to do.

What is learning programming?

Learn "correct words" and "syntactic rules".

About python

Real world python

It seems that it has been ranked in the top 10 popular programming languages, which has been a programming language since 1991.

Used in the following computing environments -Monitor, terminal window command line ・ GUI including web ・ Web client, server side processing ・ Back-end server that supports famous large-scale sites ·Cloud ・ Mobile device ・ Embedded device

Python is widely used in various places. It's attractive.

Comparison of Python and multilingual

I used to use C when I was in college, but my first impression was that it was easier to learn than C.


-Shell program: A program that reads the input contents and displays the result on the display (when using a terminal or terminal window) -Static language: A language has a variable, and in a static language it is necessary to declare the type of this variable, and the variable of the language cannot change the type. -Dynamic language (scripting language): A language that does not force you to declare the type of a variable before using it. -Type: Indicates how much space is used in memory and what can be done with it.

Example. Enter the code of x = 5. For static languages: You need to declare the type of x. For dynamic languages: The program determines that the variable x is also an integer because 5 is an integer without declaring the type of x.

-Compile: Converting a human-readable program into a machine-readable and executable program. -Interpreter: A program that interprets a dynamic language sequentially without compiling it.


"Introduction to Python3 by Bill Lubanovic (published by O'Reilly Japan)"

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