[Python] What are the two underscore (underscore) functions before?

Sometimes there are two underscores before a function in class

    def __hogehoge():

I didn't know what it meant, so a memorandum Conclusion: can only be called within that class

Try to practice

Let's actually try it ~ Prepare the following sample


class Hoge:
    def __init__(self):
        print('this is init function.')
    def public():
        print('this is public function.')
    def __private():
        print('this is private function.')

Move to the directory where this file is located in [Terminal], and then execute as follows.

Execution of Hoge class

__init__ is always called when you run class

>>> from train import Hoge 
>>> Hoge()
this is init function.

Execution of public function

Enter the following in the continuation of the terminal

>>> Hoge.public()
this is public function.

Functions with nothing attached can be called without problems

Execution of private function

Enter the following in the continuation of the terminal

>>> Hoge.__private()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: type object 'Hoge' has no attribute '__private'

External call failure

Postscript: 19/12/4 I received a comment. If you really want to call it, you can call it by typing Foo._Foo__a! Thank you for the information.

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