The contents of the Python tutorial (Chapter 5) are itemized.

Previous article: The contents of the Python tutorial (Chapter 4) are itemized


Python3 Engineer Certification Basic Exam As a countermeasure, this is a personal memo that summarizes the contents of the Python tutorial (book) in easy-to-memorize bullet points.

Reference material

Python Tutorial: Chapter 5: Books:

"Chapter 5 Data Structure"

--Python3 Engineer Certification Basic Exam Score ―― 7/40 questions (17.5%) ☆☆☆☆ ★ (Importance: Medium +) --Theme --List --Tuple --Set --Dictionary --Evaluation by comparison operator and Boolean operator --Comparison of sequences and other objects

5.1 Supplementary information about lists

--The following are all the methods of the list object.

Method name Description
list.append(x) Add an item with the value x to the end.
list.extend(L) Add all items in list L to the end.
list.insert(i, x) Add an item with the value x at the position of index i.
list.remove(x) Delete the item with the value x and the lowest index.
Error if the item does not exist.
list.pop([i]) Deletes and returns the item at index i.
The index can be omitted, and if omitted, the last item will be deleted / returned.
list.clear() Delete all items.
list.index(x) Returns the minimum index of the item whose value is x.
Error if the item does not exist.
list.count(x) Returns the number of items with a value of x.
list.sort(key=None, reverse=False) Sort items in place.
list.reverse() Reverse the items in place.
list.copy() Returns a shallow copy of the list.

5.1.1 Use list as stack

--The stack is last-in, first-out. --Use append (x) to push it onto the stack. --Use pop () to get from the stack. --It is fast because it is an operation at the end of the list.

5.1.2 Use list as queue

--Queues are first-in, first-out. --Use insert (0, x) to queue. --Use pop () to get from the queue. --Since it is the operation at the top of the list, it is slow. --Cue implementation should use collections rather than lists.

5.1.3 List comprehension

-** List comprehension ** consists of an expression followed by a for clause, followed by 0 or more for clauses and if clauses, and the whole is enclosed in []. -* squares = * * [x \ * \ * 2 for x in range (10)] * # 0 \ * \ * 0 ~ 9 \ * \ * 9 list comprehension --List comprehensions can contain compound expressions and nested functions. --Common usage of list comprehension --Processing each member of a sequence or repeatable body to generate a new list --Create a subsequence by extracting the elements that match the conditions

5.1.4 Nested list comprehension

--Any expression can be used for the first expression in the list comprehension. --Nested list comprehension (put another list comprehension in the first expression) is also possible.

5.2 del statement

-You can use the ** del statement ** to index items in the list.
Variables can also be deleted. -* del a [0] * # Delete item with index 0 -* del a [2: 4] * # Deleted items with indexes 2 and 3 -* del a [:] * # Delete all items -* del a * # Delete variable a --Unlike pop (), it does not return deleted items. --remove () removes the first item whose argument and value match.

5.3 Tuples and sequences

-** Tuples ** are a type of sequence, consisting of comma-separated values. -Index and slice operations are possible as well as strings and lists. --Defining tuples is called tuple packing. -* t = (12345, 54321,'hello!') * # () Can be omitted -* empty = () * # Tuple with 0 items -* singleton ='hello', * # Tuple with 1 item (comma at the end is the point) --When you output a tuple, it is enclosed in (). --Print (t) # (12345, 54321,'hello!') --Assigning tuple items to individual variables is called ** sequence unpacking . - x, y, z = t * # Variable x is assigned 12345, y is assigned 54321, and z is assigned'hello!'. --Match the number of variables and the number of tuple items. --Multiple assignment ** can be done using unpacking. - x, y, z = 1, 2, 3 * # Substitute the tuple (1, 2, 3) value for each tuple (x, y, z) item --Differences between tuples and lists --It is an immutable body (immmutable). --Items can include modifiable objects such as lists. --Each item is generally accessed by unpacking or indexing. --Items of different data types are often mixed.

5.4 Set

-** Set ** is a collection of elements that do not overlap in any order. --Python has a ** set object **, which is created using the {} and ** set () functions **. --Use set () to generate the empty set. --You can write ** set comprehension ** as well as list comprehension. - a = {x for x in 'abracadabra' if x not in 'abc'} --Supports mathematical operations such as sum, intersection, difference, and symmetric difference.

Set arithmetic Description
a in x
[Existence judgment]
True if the set a has an element x(true)
If not False(false)
a | b
A set of elements at a or b
a - b
A set of elements that are in a but not in b
a & b
A set of elements in both a and b
a ^ b
[Symmetric difference]
A set of dissimilar elements in a or b

5.5 Dictionary

-** Dictionary ** is an unsorted collection of "key: value" pairs. - tel = {'jack': 4098, 'sape': 4139} -* print (tel ['jack']) * Returns # 4098 -* print (tel) * # {'jack': 4098,'sape': 4139} is returned -* empty = {} * # empty dictionary --Keys cannot be duplicated, and any immutable body can be used. --String --Numerical value --Tuples (do not include mutable objects) --Specify a key for addition, deletion, and existence confirmation to the dictionary. -* tel ['guido'] = 4127 * # tel will be added with'guido': 4127 -* del tel ['jack'] * # tel removes'jack': 4098 -'sape' in tel * # Existence: True -'test' in tel * # Existence: False -** You can get the iterable of the key list with the keys () method . - keylist = list (tel.keys ()) * # Get key list in list format - keysort = sorted (tel.keys ()) * # Get the key list in sorted list format --By the way, although it is not in the tutorial, you can get a list of values with the ** values () method . - dict () Constructor ** can be used to create a dictionary from tuples. -* tel = dict ([('jack', 4098), ('sape', 4139)]) * # tel = {'jack': 4098,'sape': 4139} --Like lists and tuples, there are also ** dictionary comprehensions *. - dic = {x: x \ ** 2 for x in (2, 4, 6)} * # dic = {2: 4, 4: 16, 6: 36} Same as

5.6 Loop technique

--The dictionary's ** items () method ** can be used to get a tuple list (repeatable) of (key, value). -** You can get a tuple list (repeatable body) of (index, value) by passing a sequence to the enumerate () function . - If you pass two or more sequences to the zip () function **, you can get a tuple list (repeatable body) of (sequence 1 value, sequence 2 value ...). -You can get a list of items (repeated bodies) in reverse index order by passing a sequence to the ** reversed () function **. --The contents of the original sequence are not rewritten. --Note that unlike sort () below, the list is not returned. -You can get a new sorted list of items by passing a sequence to the ** sort () function **. --The contents of the original sequence are not rewritten.

5.7 Supplementary information about conditions

--There are ** numeric operator **, ** comparison operator **, and ** Boolean operator ** as operators used to judge conditions. --The condition judgment result can be denied by ** not **.

operator Description
Comparison operator ==, !=, <, <=, >=, >There are other than
a in x True if a is included in sequence x(true)
a not in x True if a is not included in sequence x(true)
a is x True if a and b are the same instance(true)
a is not x True if a and b are not the same instance(true)
Boolean operator Alias, short circuit operator
A and B Both A and B are True(true)Then True(true)
A or B A or B is True(true)Then True(true)
not A A is True(true)Then False(false)
A is False(false)Then True(true)

--The priority of operators is numeric operator> comparison operator> not> and> or You can control the priority by enclosing it in (). --Comparison operators can be ** chained *. - if a <b == c: * # (a <b) and (b == c) --The Boolean operator evaluates from right to left and ends when the evaluation is decided. - A and B and C --If A and B are False, and C is not evaluated - A or B or C --If A or B is True, or C is not evaluated --If a general value is used instead of a Boolean value, the return value of the short circuit operator will be the last evaluated argument. --The result of a Boolean expression such as comparison can be assigned to a variable. --You cannot assign in an expression.

5.8 Sequence comparison, other type comparison

--The size comparison of sequence type objects is evaluated by the following steps.

  1. Compare items with index 0 and evaluate the larger one as "large".
  2. If the items are the same size, increase the index by +1 and compare the next items.
  3. Repeat step 2 until you find items of different sizes or one of them ends. --If both items are the same size, they are judged to be the same size. --If one of them reaches the end first, it is evaluated as "small". --The magnitude relation of character strings is compared by Unicode code point number. --If the items in the sequence are sequences, the items are also compared according to the same rules. --Comparison between objects of different types basically returns a ** TypeError exception **. --Comparison between numerical values (int and float, etc.) is possible. --In some cases, you can use the appropriate comparison method provided by the object.

Next article: The contents of the Python tutorial (Chapter 6) are itemized

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