Python 1 person study session: 1st "Running Python ~" Hello world ""

Introduction to Python 3 has been released by dot install who has been indebted to death. It's one of the languages I really wanted to do, so I decided to take this opportunity to start studying.

Execution environment

Use Cloud9. that's all. I decided to escape from the environment construction for the time being. I have created a workspace called python_lesson and am working there.

Run python

Create a file called ʻ` and run it on the command line. Dot Install used python3.5 series, so according to it

$ python3.5

Run with.

The promised "Hello world"

print("Hello world")

It's easy. In python3.x series, print is made into a function and it seems that it is handled differently from 2.x series, but I want to use 3.x series unless it is necessary in the future, so I will write it in 3.x series. I will do it.

Up to here for this time! It's simple to write, isn't it?

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