[wip] Server-side development comfortably and freely with the server
- Engineer Mac (MacBook Pro: i7, Mem16GB) is blowing fire and it's painful
- Started to eat up heavy-duty software CPUs such as online conference software (zoom) and online whiteboard (miro).
- On Mac of server-side engineer (Rails / AWS), various development servers are run by docker,
Slow enough to make you laugh, coupled with docker, which was originally heavy

Thing you want to do
- In order to reduce the load on the Mac, I want to send the process from my Mac to an external server (AWS EC2) as much as possible.

Anxiety and expectations
- There are various concerns about remotely separating the development environment that was completed locally until now.
Or there are expectations because it is remote.
- Can it be developed comfortably?
- "I hate developing with Vim by connecting with ssh? I want to use VSCode"
- Can it be developed safely?
- "There is no possibility of communication data leakage"
- Will it be possible to develop freely anywhere?
- "I want to work at a cafe or donut shop"
- Will it be possible to freely develop any terminal?
- "I don't want to take my computer with me on my trip !!!, I want to work on my iPad or smartphone !!"
- Is there any wasteful cost?
- "It is physiologically impossible to cost more than 10,000 yen in a month when you are not using it."
Phase division
It seemed difficult to do everything suddenly, so I divided it into phases as follows.
[x] Phase1. Connect to the development environment with a PC from a predetermined base (office, home, etc.)

[] Phase2. Connect to the development environment from any location on your PC

[] Phase3. Connect to the development environment from any location with any (own) terminal

[] Phase4. Cost optimization
* ?
This article
- This article exposes the ongoing notes "Let's do this here" and "Let's do this here".
Configuration design / survey memo
- Selected contents, selected intentions, simple comparison, setting contents, etc.
Configuration: Phase1

- Overview
- I was able to expel the CPU load of the development server (docker) and VS Code to EC2 from the usual development environment.
- Cost: About $ 20 a month
- Infrastructure: Mainly uses AWS (Route53, EC2, etc.)
- IDE: VSCode Remote Development
- Own domain
- Encrypt communication (SSH / HTTPS)
Remote server
SSH possible-> Linux
Can be published-> Domain connected (HTTPS)
Welcome conditions
There are ways to keep costs down
Conclusion: AWS EC2

Performance can be scaled out when needed
However, it is necessary to stop temporarily
spot instance keeps costs down
vCPU: 2, Mem: 4GB (t3.medium) for about $ 15 a month
(Instance operating cost + various costs such as storage)
Because the person who wrote this article is used to it
Many people use AWS for work. .. ..
Other options
Cloud system
GCP, Azure, etc.
VPS system
Sakura's VPS etc.
[x] security group settings
HTTPS: Set the IP address of a predetermined base (office, home, etc.) in "My IP"
SSH: Set the IP address of a predetermined base (office, home, etc.) in "My IP"
Remote development environment
You can edit and execute code
Encrypted communication between client and server
Welcome conditions
Rich and active plugins
It is better if it works only with a browser
Conclusion: VSCode + Remote Development Plugin

VS Code is an IDE that has become the standard for server-side development in 2020.
Remote Development is a function that allows you to run the IDE on the Linux server that you SSHed to.
Other options
Web IDE system
* AWS Cloud9
Cryptographic communication
- Prerequisite
- Web access (HTTPS)
- Welcome conditions
- I don't want to write the trouble
- I want to keep costs down
- Conclusion
- freenom (original domain) + Route53 (DNS) + Caddy (HTTPS web server)
- freenom: free domain
- You can get a domain for free with a specific TLD
- Ref: Get domain with freenom
1 .tk Tokelau, New Zealand's territory in Australasia
2 .ml Mali
3 .ga Gabon
4 .cf Central Africa
5 .gq Equatorial Guinea
* Route53
- Prerequisite
- I want to encrypt all the communication contents of the client
- New location: I don't want to add / remove a firewall (Security Group) every time I connect from a new IP
- Welcome conditions
- Operation / communication speed is fast
- Can be connected to various terminals such as smartphones and tablets
- Example: iPad / android / ChromeOS
- Survey
- Wireguard is good
- It seems that operation and communication are fast and installation is easy.
- 614th Build a VPN server with WireGuard
- Compatible with Mac / Windows / Linux / iOS / Android
* https://www.wireguard.com/install/
- Chrome OS seems to be able to use Android apps
* Add docs that cover using Wireguard from ChromeOS
[WIP] To develop at any time
Run on Windows / Mac / Chrome OS / Android / iOS
Welcome conditions
Works only with a browser
I'd be happy if I could develop it with Oculus Quest or other customized OS.
Connect "Development Environment Server" to VS Code Online as a Self-hosted environment
Use "Visual Studio Online" in Self-hosted environment
△: VS Code itself needs to be installed on the server
Desktop environment (Gnome / LXDE) must be installed
△: VS Code Online (codespaces) seems to be integrated into GitHub Codespace, so I'm not sure about the future
Microsoft to integrate "Visual Studio Codespaecs" of Web IDE into "GitHub Codespaces"
A web server version of third-party VS Code
△: The plug-ins that can be used are limited.
I can't use Visual Studio Intellicode
[WIP] Stop the server when it is not running
- I want to do something like heroku
- An SSH port forwarding connection request occurs to the "basket server"
- Authentication completed
- "Step server" starts "Development environment server"
- About 30 seconds?
- Connecting