[PYTHON] Notes and reference books when creating Web services with Flask



Since I often write web servers using Flask, I will summarize the pages that I often refer to. I think it will be a collection of links for the time being, but if I have time, I would like to add more content. (It's about time to use FastAPI)

Main environment

Around Flask


Browser session

In Vanilla Flask with no plugins

server session You need to install a plugin. Backend options for saving sessions include Redis, other NoSQL, FileSystem, SQL, etc.

As a famous plug-in

and so on. FLask-Session accesses the backend that holds the Session from within Flask, but Beaker acts as middleware for the WSGI (eg Gunicorn) used. The latter also provides a Cache function. It has been confirmed that Flask-Session does not work properly when SQLAlchemy is specified as the backend (that is, SQL). (As of May 2020.5)

logging Flask and its plugins often provide a log output feature. To capture the output log with the Flask main unit log handle and output it

import logging
from flask.logging import default_handler #Log handler for flask body
#Other import etc.
from flask_cors import CORS

def create_app():
    # init_Various processing such as app
    #Here, the plugin you want to log`flask_cors`To
    cors_err_lggr = logger.getLogger('flask_cors')
    #Most plugins have the name of the built-in logger__name__Is it specified in?
    #Added default log handler
    #Other processing

    return app


Around DB (MySQL, SQLAlchemy)

When setting independent columns (columns that are not Foreign Keys) in the intermediate table of many: many, it is better to use ʻassociation_proxy than to use relation`. Official Doc for association_proxy, with implementation example

Around Nginx, Gunicorn

Around Docker

Around deployment

Official Document It feels like Capistrano or Deployer Explanatory article 1 Explanatory article 2

in conclusion

No, FastAPI Isn't it good?

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