WSL2 + Ubuntu 20.04 Install Vivado in LTS environment I tried it with reference to.

Download the required files From the above page Vivado Design Suite-HLx Edition Download "Self-extracting web installer for Linux". The downloaded BIN file will be placed under $ {HOME} / download.

GUI settings Prepare the GUI to start on WSL2 + Ubuntu 20.04 by referring to.

Windows side settings

First, install the X server (VcXsrv) on Windows. After installation, open XLaunch and set the launch options as follows:

Next, register the above configuration file in Windows startup. Generate a VcXsrv configuration file (config.xlaunch) with the Save Configuration button and Save the configuration file in the folder that opens when you type "shell: startup" on Win + R.

Also, in the Windows firewall settings, Allow public access to "VcXsrv windows x server".

WSL2 side settings

It is necessary to specify the IP address and display number of Windows (X server) from the WSL2 side (X client). These are set in an environment variable called DISPLAY with .bashrc etc.


export DISPLAY=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{print $2}'):0


Follow the steps below to install.

#Extraction of installer
./Xilinx_Unified_2020.1_0602_1208_Lin64.bin --noexec --target installer

#Authentication token generation
#You need to enter your User ID (Xilinx account email address) and password on the way.
./installer/xsetup -b AuthTokenGen

#Generation of configuration file
#Vivado in Select a Product from the list(2)choose
#WebPACK with Select an Edition from the list(1)choose
./installer/xsetup -b ConfigGen

sudo ./installer/xsetup --agree XilinxEULA,3rdPartyEULA,WebTalkTerms --batch Install --config ${HOME}/.Xilinx/install_config.txt

I created a script that automatically executes the above steps using the expect command. Enter the Xilinx account email address in the first argument "user id" Set the Xilinx account password in the second argument "password".



if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
    echo "usage: <user id> <password>"
    exit 1


./Xilinx_Unified_2020.1_0602_1208_Lin64.bin --noexec --target installer

expect -c "
set timeout 60
spawn ./installer/xsetup -b AuthTokenGen
expect \"User ID:\"
send \"${USER}\n\"
expect \"Password:\"
send \"${PASS}\n\"
expect eof

expect -c "
set timeout 60
spawn ./installer/xsetup -b ConfigGen
expect \"Please choose:\"
send \"2\n\"
expect \"Please choose:\"
send \"1\n\"
expect eof

./installer/xsetup --agree XilinxEULA,3rdPartyEULA,WebTalkTerms --batch Install --config ${HOME}/.Xilinx/install_config.txt


Follow the steps below to verify that the Vivado GUI starts.

source /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/

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