Use something other than a <br> string for the <br> dict key in Python

I often use strings for dict keys, but ...

stock = {
    "orange": 3,
    "apple": 1,

Actually, you can use other than character strings

d = {
    1: "Numerical value",
    date(2016, 1, 1): "date"
    (1, 2): "Tuple",
    None: "None"

Key specifications

--Any hashable and immutable object can be used --It is OK even if multiple types are mixed in one dict --None is OK

Examples of types that can be used for keys

Practical example

Practical example

--Tuple and compound key --Use numeric keyed dict instead of list

Tuple and compound key

stock = {
    ("Tokyo branch", "orange"): 3,
    ("Tokyo branch", "apple"): 1,
    ("Nagoya Branch", "orange"): 8,
stock["Nagoya Branch", "apple"] = 4

Use numeric keyed dict instead of list

--It's okay if the key is missing


a = {
    1: "apple",
    3: "orange",

Use numeric keyed dict instead of list

--Effective when combined with defaultdict


from collections import defaultdict
a = defaultdict(str)
a[1] = "apple"
a[3] = "orange"
l = max(l.keys())
for i in range(0, l + 1):
    print("%d: %s" % (i, a[i]))
1: apple
3: orange

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