[PYTHON] Launch notes for existing Django applications

Start memo of Django application cloned from Github etc. How to run quickly on Mac without using virtual environment

Prepare a python environment for each project with venv

venv is pre-installed.

python3 -m venv [newenvname]

Look at .gitignore and align the directory names of [newenvname]


mysql update

brew upgrade mysql

User / DB creation / confirmation with mysql

mysql.server start
mysql -u root
CREATE USER username@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dbname.* TO username@localhost;
mysql -u username -p


Check settings.py for the DB connection destination.

Installation of dependent packages

pip install -r requirements.txt


DB migration

python manage.py migrate

Superuser creation

python manage.py createsuperuser


Server startup

python manage.py runserver

You can access the administration screen at localhost: 8000 / admin

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