Announced at AWS re: Invent 2020, Amazon ECR now has a public registry available.
But this time, we'll use the private registry regardless.
I haven't touched ECR so far, so I tried using it.
Uses two Linux servers. Push the image from the first one and pull the image from the second one.
ECR is a region service and VPC endpoints are also available. (Not used this time)
Create an ECR repository with the following settings.
** Visibility settings: ** Private
** Repository name: ** test-app-repo
** Tag immutability: ** Disabled
** Scan on push: ** Enabled
** KMS encryption: ** valid
First, authenticate Docker to the ECR registry. Confirm that "Login Succeeded" is displayed. WARNING is out, but I will proceed as it is. This will be explained in "8. Warnings & Errors" of this article.
$ aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-northeast-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/ec2-user/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See
Login Succeeded
This time I would like to push the image "test-app".
$ docker images
test-app v1.0 72b199328340 10 days ago 461MB
Set the tag to be pushed with the docker tag command. The format you specify is "AWS Account ID.dkr.ecr. Name: Tag". If the tag is omitted, the latest tag will be added automatically.
$ docker tag test-app:v1.0 \
Check the result of tagging.
$ docker images
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE v1.0 72b199328340 10 days ago 461MB
test-app v1.0 72b199328340 10 days ago 461MB
Now let's push the image.
$ docker push
If you check from the console, you can see that v1.0 has been added to the image tag.
Since the second EC2 does not pass the authentication information (access key, secret access key) with aws configure, You cannot access the ECR as it is. Create the following IAM policy to attach to your EC2 IAM role so you can access your ECR. IAM policy name: AmazonECRFullAccess
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
First, authenticate Docker to the ECR registry as you did for the first one.
$ aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-northeast-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
Pull the image.
$ docker pull
Check the result. A second Linux server was able to pull the image from ECR.
$ docker images
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE v1.0 72b199328340 10 days ago 461MB
Next, I would like to push the image with the tag "v2.0".
$ docker images
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE v1.0 72b199328340 10 days ago 461MB v2.0 72b199328340 10 days ago 461MB
Push the image.
$ docker push
Checking from the console, v2.0 has been added.
Assuming v2.0 is no longer needed, I would like to remove the image tag. (If region is specified in aws configure, it is not necessary to specify it in the command)
$ aws ecr batch-delete-image --repository-name test-app-repo --image-ids imageTag=v2.0 --region ap-northeast-1
"failures": [],
"imageIds": [
"imageTag": "v2.0",
"imageDigest": "sha256:58d3c26bee377e039c0ce5c2ef92ed2ce10b956bf3dc0cf5dba4b4d6f56aaf94"
Checking from the console again, v2.0 has been removed.
If you want to delete an image, you can specify a digest of the image.
$ aws ecr get-login --region ap-northeast-1 --no-include-email
$ docker login -u AWS -p {Authentication token}
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
→ If you are using a version earlier than AWS CLI version 1.17.10, you can authenticate with the get-login command. Not recommended due to security risks. It is recommended to upgrade the AWS CLI version and use get-login-password. Reference:
$ aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-northeast-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/ec2-user/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See
→ The default behavior of Docker is to save the login password in config.json without encryption. The warning is that it is safer to store it in an external credential store. Reference:
$ docker pull
Error response from daemon: Get no basic auth credentials
→ This error appears if Docker is not authenticated to the ECR registry.
$ aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-northeast-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GetAuthorizationToken operation: User: arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/IAM role name/Instance ID is not authorized to perform: ecr:GetAuthorizationToken on resource: *
Error: Cannot perform an interactive login from a non TTY device
→ You haven't specified credentials in aws configure, or you need EC2 IAM roles to access ECR This error occurs when the IAM policy (Amazon ECRFullAccess in this article) is not attached.